Browse data by statistical topic. For ECB surveys or other not available in the list refer to the list of datasets on the ECB website.
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ECB/Eurosystem policy and exchange rates
Eurosystem balance sheet
Exchange rates
Effective exchange rates
Harmonised competitiveness indicators
Money, credit and banking
Monetary aggregates
Counterparts of M3
Monetary financial institutions (MFIs)
Deposit taking corporations
Money markets funds
MFI lending to the private sector
Non-financial corporations
Financial corporations
Financial vehicle corporations
All series
Total FVCs
FVCs engaged in traditional securitisation
FVCs engaged in synthetic securitisation
FVCs which are neither engaged in traditional nor synthetic securitisation
Financial corporations engaged in lending
Investment funds
By investment policy
Insurance corporations
Balance sheet
All series
Total insurance corporations
Reinsurance corporations
Life insurance corporations
Non-life insurance corporations
Composite insurance corporations
Premiums, claims and acquisition expenses
Pension funds
Balance sheet
Insurance corporations and pension funds combined (discontinued)
List of financial institutions
Structural financial indicators
Financial markets and interest rates
Bank interest rates
Interest rates
Business volumes
Coefficient of cross-country variation
Interest rate component of euro area month-to-month level change
Weight component of euro area month-to-month level change
Cost of borrowing indicators
Banks lending margins
Risk assessment indicators
Interest rate statistics for convergence purposes
Securities issues
CSEC - Securities Issues Statistics
SEC - Securities Issues Statistics (discontinued)
Debt securities
Listed shares
Financial markets survey
Securities holdings
SHSS - Securities Holdings Statistics
SHS - Securities Holdings Statistics (discontinued)
Short-term European Paper (STEP)
Euro area yield curve
All government bonds yield curve
AAA-rated government bonds yield curve
Euro money market
Money Market Statistical Reporting
Financial market data
Financial integration in the euro area
Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics
Inflation and consumer prices
Other prices and costs
Industrial producer prices
Commodity prices
Property prices
Labour costs
GDP, output, demand and income
National accounts - main aggregates
GDP and main expenditure components
Value added by main activity
Income, compensation, taxes on production and imports, subsidies
Short-term business indicators
Opinion surveys
Structural indicators
Sector accounts
Financial accounts
By sector
By instrument
Non-financial accounts
By sector
By sequence of accounts
Non-financial assets
By sector
By asset type
Analytical indicators
Government finance
Current revenue
Capital revenue
Current expenditure
Capital expenditure
Expenditure by function (COFOG)
Transactions with EU institutions and bodies
EU budget
Government debt
Gross government debt (consolidated)
Non-consolidated debt
Consolidating elements
Change in debt
Main transactions in financial assets
Valuations effects and other changes in volume
Other deficit-debt adjustments
Borrowing requirement
Financial accounts
Government assistance to the financial sector (discontinued)
Labour market
Labour productivity and unit labour costs
Balance of payments and other external statistics
Balance of payments and international investment position
Current account
Capital account
Financial account
International reserves
Official reserve assets
Other foreign currency assets
Foreign currency drains
External trade in goods
Standard International Trade Classifications (SITC)
Broad Economic Categories (BEC)
External debt
Supervisory and prudential statistics
Consolidated banking data
Banking supervision
Payment statistics
Payment services, large-value payment systems and retail payment systems
Securities trading, clearing and settlements
Securities trading
Securities clearing
Securities settlements
ECB surveys
Bank Lending Survey (BLS)
Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF)
Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE)