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All banks Refinancing - substituting interbank len... Banks Backward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 3 responses (b...
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All banks Refinancing - substi... Banks Backward looking six... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Refinancing - substituting maturing debt... Banks Forward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 4 responses (s...
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All banks Refinancing - substi... Banks Forward looking six ... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Refinancing - substituting interbank len... Banks Backward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 4 responses (s...
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All banks Refinancing - substi... Banks Backward looking six... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Purchasing assets - non-euro area market... Banks Backward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of missing answer...
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All banks Purchasing assets - ... Banks Backward looking six... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Granting loans Enterprise Forward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted net percentage (tightened minus...
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All banks Granting loans Enterprise Forward looking six ... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted net percent...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Granting loans Household Loans for house purchase Forward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 5 responses (c...
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All banks Granting loans Household Loans for house purc... Forward looking six ... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Purchasing assets - non-euro area market... Banks Forward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 3 responses (b...
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All banks Purchasing assets - ... Banks Forward looking six ... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Purchasing assets - euro area marketable... Banks Backward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted average, based on the share of ...
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All banks Purchasing assets - ... Banks Backward looking six... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted average, ba...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Purchasing assets - non-euro area market... Banks Backward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 3 responses (b...
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All banks Purchasing assets - ... Banks Backward looking six... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST
All banks Refinancing - substituting deposit short... Banks Forward looking six months Expanded asset purchase programme - Incr... Loan supply Weighted net percentage (tightened minus...
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All banks Refinancing - substi... Banks Forward looking six ... Expanded asset purch... Loan supply Weighted net percent...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 17 Apr 2018 10:49 CEST