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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Central bank Total economy Transactions Assets (Net Acquisition of) Financial account Reserve Assets Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies except national domestic ... Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Central bank Total economy Transactions Assets (Net Acquisit... Financial account Reserve Assets Total financial asse... Euro All currencies excep... Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Net (Assets minus Liabilities) Financial account All functional categories Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Net (Assets minus Li... Financial account All functional categ... Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Net (Assets minus Liabilities) Financial account Direct Investment Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Net (Assets minus Li... Financial account Direct Investment Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Net (Assets minus Liabilities) Financial account All functional categories Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance shee... Net (Assets minus Li... Financial account All functional categ... Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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More geographical areas
Millions of Euro
Last updated: 4 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) Financial account Direct Investment Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Liabilities (Net Inc... Financial account Direct Investment Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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More geographical areas
Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Assets (Net Acquisition of) Financial account Other Investment Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance shee... Assets (Net Acquisit... Financial account Other Investment Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 4 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Assets (Net Acquisition of) Financial account Direct Investment Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance shee... Assets (Net Acquisit... Financial account Direct Investment Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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More geographical areas
Millions of Euro
Last updated: 4 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) Financial account Direct Investment Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspecified (including all... Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Closing balance shee... Liabilities (Net Inc... Financial account Direct Investment Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Not allocated/unspec... Compilation methodol... All resident units
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 4 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) Financial account Portfolio Investment Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Market value Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Liabilities (Net Inc... Financial account Portfolio Investment Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Market value Compilation methodol... All resident units
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More geographical areas
Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Net (Assets minus Liabilities) Financial account Portfolio Investment Total financial assets/liabilities Euro All currencies Market value Compilation methodology based on interna... All resident units
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Neither seasonally a... Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Transactions Net (Assets minus Li... Financial account Portfolio Investment Total financial asse... Euro All currencies Market value Compilation methodol... All resident units
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More geographical areas
Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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