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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Compensation of employees Total - All activities Total economy Euro Current prices Domestic (home or reference area) Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Neither seasonally a... Compensation of empl... Total - All activiti... Total economy Euro Current prices Domestic (home or re... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 11:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Compensation of employees Total - All activities Total economy Euro Current prices Domestic (home or reference area) Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Neither seasonally a... Compensation of empl... Total - All activiti... Total economy Euro Current prices Domestic (home or re... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 11:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Compensation of employees Total - All activities Total economy Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Current prices Domestic (home or reference area) Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Neither seasonally a... Compensation of empl... Total - All activiti... Total economy Domestic currency (i... Current prices Domestic (home or re... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 23 Dec 2020 14:30 CET
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Calendar and seasonally adjusted data Compensation of employees Total - All activities Total economy Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Current prices Domestic (home or reference area) Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Calendar and seasona... Compensation of empl... Total - All activiti... Total economy Domestic currency (i... Current prices Domestic (home or re... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 29 May 2024 17:14 CEST
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Compensation of employees Total - All activities Total economy Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Current prices Domestic (home or reference area) Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Neither seasonally a... Compensation of empl... Total - All activiti... Total economy Domestic currency (i... Current prices Domestic (home or re... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 19 Apr 2024 16:23 CEST
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