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Construction output prices Residential buildings except residences ... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction output ... Residential building... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Pure number
Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 11:00 CEST
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Construction costs, labour costs All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction costs, ... All Residential Buil... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 19 Mar 2019 11:00 CET
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Construction output prices All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction output ... All Residential Buil... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Pure number
Last updated: 1 Feb 2022 11:00 CET
Construction costs, material prices All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction costs, ... All Residential Buil... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 29 Jul 2016 13:56 CEST
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Construction costs, material prices All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction costs, ... All Residential Buil... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 29 Jul 2016 13:56 CEST
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Construction costs, labour costs All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction costs, ... All Residential Buil... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 29 Jul 2016 13:56 CEST
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Construction input prices All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction input p... All Residential Buil... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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More geographical areas
Last updated: 18 Jul 2016 12:12 CEST
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Construction input prices All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Construction input p... All Residential Buil... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 6 May 2019 11:00 CEST
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