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Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 10 Years Government Benchmark ... Yield
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Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 10 Years G... Yield
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST
Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 5 Years Government Benchmark B... Yield
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Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 5 Years Go... Yield
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST
Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 2 Years Government Benchmark B... Yield
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Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 2 Years Go... Yield
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST
Euro Benchmark bond ECB Real Euro area 10-year Government Benchm... Yield, average of observations through p...
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Euro Benchmark bond ECB Real Euro area 10-ye... Yield, average of ob...
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 2 Jul 2024 12:10 CEST
Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 3 Years Government Benchmark B... Yield
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Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 3 Years Go... Yield
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Jan 1970 to Jun 2024
3.0057 (Jun 2024)
Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST
Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 7 Years Government Benchmark B... Yield
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Euro Benchmark bond ECB Euro Area 7 Years Go... Yield
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST
Japanese yen Benchmark bond ECB Real Japan 10-year Government Benchmark ... Yield, average of observations through p...
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Japanese yen Benchmark bond ECB Real Japan 10-year G... Yield, average of ob...
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Mar 1972 to Jun 2024
-1.8594 (Jun 2024)
Percent per annum
Last updated: 24 Jul 2024 05:45 CEST
US dollar Zero-coupon yield bond Refinitiv USA 10-year Zero coupon Yield Curve Yield, end of period
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US dollar Zero-coupon yield bo... Refinitiv USA 10-year Zero cou... Yield, end of period
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST
US dollar Benchmark bond ECB United States 10 Years Government Benchm... Yield, average of observations through p...
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US dollar Benchmark bond ECB United States 10 Yea... Yield, average of ob...
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST
Japanese yen Zero-coupon yield bond Refinitiv Japan 10-year Zero coupon Yield Curve Yield, end of period
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Japanese yen Zero-coupon yield bo... Refinitiv Japan 10-year Zero c... Yield, end of period
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Percent per annum
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 08:55 CEST