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Credit institutions legally incorporated... Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe...
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Credit institutions ... Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts ...
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Pure number
Last updated: 5 Jan 2024 13:54 CET
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Total Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe...
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Total Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts ...
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Pure number
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 14:03 CEST
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Credit Institutions Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe...
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Credit Institutions Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts ...
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Pure number
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 14:03 CEST
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Central Bank (NCBs / ECB) Changes in attributes Financial transactions (flows)
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Central Bank (NCBs /... Changes in attribute... Financial transactio...
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Pure number
Last updated: 6 Jun 2014 16:55 CEST
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Branches of euro area-based credit insti... Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe...
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Branches of euro are... Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts ...
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Pure number
Last updated: 5 Jan 2024 13:54 CET
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Branches of non-EEA based banks Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe...
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Branches of non-EEA ... Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts ...
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Pure number
Last updated: 5 Jan 2024 13:54 CET
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Money Market Funds Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe...
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Money Market Funds Total of MFIs Outstanding amounts ...
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Pure number
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 14:03 CEST
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Other Financial Institutions Joiners Financial transactions (flows)
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Other Financial Inst... Joiners Financial transactio...
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Pure number
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 14:03 CEST
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Money Market Funds Joiners Financial transactions (flows)
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Money Market Funds Joiners Financial transactio...
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Pure number
Last updated: 1 Jul 2024 14:03 CEST
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Money Market Funds Changes in attributes Financial transactions (flows)
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Money Market Funds Changes in attribute... Financial transactio...
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Pure number
Last updated: 6 Jun 2014 16:55 CEST
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