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Payments institutions Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area)
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Payments institution... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re...
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Pure number
Last updated: 9 Nov 2023 10:00 CET
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Payments institutions Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area) Growth rate to previous period
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Payments institution... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re... Growth rate to previ...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 9 Nov 2023 10:00 CET
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Other payment service providers and e-mo... Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area) Growth rate to previous period
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Other payment servic... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re... Growth rate to previ...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 25 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Electronic money institutions Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area)
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Electronic money ins... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 25 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
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Electronic money institutions Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area) Growth rate to previous period
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Electronic money ins... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re... Growth rate to previ...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 9 Nov 2023 10:00 CET
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Other payment service providers and e-mo... Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area) Growth rate to previous period
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Other payment servic... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re... Growth rate to previ...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 9 Nov 2023 10:00 CET
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Total, institutions offering payment ser... Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... World not allocated (geographically) Growth rate to previous period
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Total, institutions ... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... World not allocated ... Growth rate to previ...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 9 Nov 2023 10:00 CET
More geographical areas
Electronic money institutions Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area)
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Electronic money ins... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 9 Nov 2023 10:00 CET
More geographical areas
Other payment service providers and e-mo... Number of institutions Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area)
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Other payment servic... Number of institutio... Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re...
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
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