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Non-MFI financial institutions Long-term / Floating rate issues Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... All currencies combined Euro Unspecified
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Non-MFI financial in... Long-term / Floating... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... All currencies combi... Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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Social security funds (ESA 2010 classifi... Long-term / Fixed rate issues Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro Euro Unspecified
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Social security fund... Long-term / Fixed ra... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... Euro Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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Insurance corporations and pension funds Long-term securities other than shares Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... All currencies combined Euro Unspecified
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Insurance corporatio... Long-term securities... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... All currencies combi... Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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Social security funds Short-term securities other than shares Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... All currencies except EUR Euro Unspecified
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Social security fund... Short-term securitie... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... All currencies excep... Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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State and local government (ESA 2010 cla... Long-term / Fixed rate issues Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... All currencies except EUR Euro Unspecified
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State and local gove... Long-term / Fixed ra... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... All currencies excep... Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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Non-MFI financial institutions Long-term securities other than shares Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... All currencies except EUR Euro Unspecified
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Non-MFI financial in... Long-term securities... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... All currencies excep... Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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General government Long-term / Fixed rate issues Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... All currencies except EUR Euro Unspecified
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General government Long-term / Fixed ra... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... All currencies excep... Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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Central government Short-term securities other than shares Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro Euro Unspecified
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Central government Short-term securitie... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... Euro Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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State and local government (ESA 2010 cla... Long-term securities other than shares Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... All currencies except EUR Euro Unspecified
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State and local gove... Long-term securities... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... All currencies excep... Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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State and local government Long-term / Floating rate issues Nominal value Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro Euro Unspecified
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State and local gove... Long-term / Floating... Nominal value Outstanding amounts ... Euro Euro Unspecified
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
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