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- Assets (2370)
- Financial assets (2370)
- Financial liabilities (2370)
- Liabilities (2370)
- General government (720)
- Central bank (120)
- Central governement (120)
- Financial corporations (120)
- Total economy (90)
- Market value (30)
- denominated in All currencies (30)
- issued by Total economy of World (30)
- reported in Domestic currency (30)
- Stock positions (15)
- Transactions (15)
- All securities held by Banks (2)
- All securities held by Central bank (2)
- All securities held by Central government excluding social security (2)
- All securities held by Financial corporations (2)
- All securities held by Financial corporations other than banks, pension funds, insurers (2)
- All securities held by Financial vehicle corporations (2)
- All securities held by General Government (2)
- All securities held by Households (2)
- All securities held by Insurance corporations (2)
- All securities held by Insurers and Pension Funds (2)
- All securities held by Money market funds (2)
- All securities held by Non financial corporations (2)
- All securities held by Non-MMF investment funds (2)
- All securities held by Pension funds (2)
- All securities held by Total economy (2)
- Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition (2400)
- Securities Holdings Statistics (SHSS) (2400)
- Quarterly (2400)
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