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Total Turnover Index Total of other services as covered by th... Working day and seasonally adjusted unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Total of other servi... Working day and seas... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 9 Jan 2024 11:00 CET
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Total Turnover Index Employment activities - NACE Rev2 Working day and seasonally adjusted unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Employment activitie... Working day and seas... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 10 Jun 2024 16:02 CEST
Total Turnover Index Legal, accounting and management consult... Working day adjusted, not seasonally adj... unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Legal, accounting an... Working day adjusted... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 6 Dec 2023 11:01 CET
Total Turnover Index Total of other services as covered by th... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Total of other servi... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 7 Feb 2024 11:18 CET
Total Turnover Index Legal and accounting activities - NACE R... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Legal and accounting... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 10 Jun 2024 16:02 CEST
Total Turnover Index Accommodation - NACE Rev2 Working day adjusted, not seasonally adj... unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Accommodation - NACE... Working day adjusted... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 10 Jun 2024 16:02 CEST
Total Turnover Index Architectural and engineering activities... Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Architectural and en... Neither seasonally n... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 10 Jun 2024 16:02 CEST
Total Turnover Index Security and investigation activities - ... Working day and seasonally adjusted unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Security and investi... Working day and seas... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 10 Jun 2024 16:02 CEST
Total Turnover Index Postal and courier activities - NACE Rev... Working day adjusted, not seasonally adj... unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Postal and courier a... Working day adjusted... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 10 Jun 2024 16:02 CEST
Total Turnover Index Management consultancy activities - NACE... Working day adjusted, not seasonally adj... unspecified Eurostat
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Total Turnover Index Management consultan... Working day adjusted... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 10 Jun 2024 16:02 CEST