Securities (797563) Debt securities (763202) Total economy (704725) Surveys (521528) Financial accounts (345444) Survey of professional forecasters (318069) Sector accounts (315511) Sector (311543) By instrument (276452) Financial corporations (273131) Government finance (254683) Funds (250748) Investment funds (200948) Survey on the access to finance of enterprises (189501) Rate (174003) Expenditure (168550) COFOG (158344) Expenditure by function (158344) Assets (146095) Variable rate (143148) By investment policy (136560) Debt (133664) Inflation (110722) Unemployment (108223) Payments (103317) Accounts (96068) Non-financial accounts (95396) GDP (95039) Loans (92583) Shares (89855) Allocation of primary income (83782) Income (83117) Secondary distribution of income (82887) Balancing items (82727) Payment services (81655) Payment systems (81655) Retail (81655) Non-financial assets (81402) Capital transfers (81346) Saving (81226) Production (81069) Non-financial assets acquisitions (80821) Disposable income (80681) Consolidated (74694) Equity (69985) Transactions (67451) Banks (66400) Balance of payments (64400) Bonds (59401) Investment fund shares (59336) Issues (57990) Fixed rate issues (57238) Zero-coupon bonds (57189) Deposits (55461) Liabilities (53050) Units (46975) Revenue (45064) HICP (43964) Equity funds (40748) Closed-end funds (39880) Open-end funds (39880) Financial assets (39754) Taxes (39654) Listed shares (38406) Financial liabilities (38346) Securities issues (38292) Currency (38285) Social contributions (38194) Interest rates (36032) Terminal (35309) Insurance corporations (35125) Pension funds (33692) Pension (31324) Insurance (30519) Fixed rate (30516) Asset price (28158) Asset price-linked (28158) Inflation-linked (28158) Interest rate-linked (28158) External trade (26237) Trade weights (26191) Central bank (25330) Standardised guarantees (24272) Trade credits (24187) Government (23222) Investments (23210) Bond funds (22770) Mixed funds (22765) Real estate funds (22753) Hedge funds (22752) Accounts payable (22607) Accounts receivable (22607) Households (22483) Macroprudential (22354) Securities clearing (21662) Securities trading (21662) Security settlements (21662) Financial institutions (21529) National accounts (21126) Non-UCITS funds (19805) UCITS funds (19805) Monetary Financial Institutions (19441) Credit (19267) Non-profit institutions serving households (18609) Individual consumption (18146) Payable (17454) Receivables (17454) Portfolio investments (17308) Rest of the world (16062) Balance sheet (16030) General government (15594) Services (15538) Non-financial corporations (14363) Bank sector (14278) International reserves (13981) By component (13645) Entitlements (13399) Financial derivatives (12758) Goods (12416) Debt instruments (12050) Advances (11992) Current account (11947) Standardized guarantee schemes (11828) Derivatives (11756) Distributional Wealth Accounts (11373) Securities holdings (11275) Options (11239) Indicators (11150) Assumptions (11008) Employee stock options (10212) Stock options (10212) Delivery instructions (10161) Schemes (10046) Monetary gold (9909) Labour market (9902) SDRs (9819) Foreign currency drains (9812) Short-term net drains (9812) Main aggregates (9741) Prices (9652) Pension managers (9616) Costs (9585) Non-pension benefits (9437) Managers (9408) Instruments (9068) External debt (8894) Outstanding amounts (8497) Pension entitlements (8408) Unlisted shares (8093) Options type (8030) Payment card (7888) Bank interest rates (7830) Government debt (7737) Gross issues (7691) Labour productivity (7496) Unit labour costs (7496) Devices (7470) Claims (7369) Labour costs (7331) non-general government (7185) Redemptions (7151) Net issues (7117) Main accounts (7114) Bank lending survey (7099) Current expenditure (7076) Gold (7049) Deposit liabilities (7029) By financial instrument (7016) Financial markets surveys (6747) Food (6738) non-MFIs (6728) Government fice (6683) MFIs (6637) Maastricht debt (6359) Financial Vehicle Corporations (FVCs) (6326) Gross (6022) Positions (5878) Consumption (5793) Life (5746) Direct investment (5732) Money market funds (5639) Equipments (5471) Primary income (5464) Non-life (5346) Change in debt (5320) Net wealth deciles (5137) Current revenue (5119) Credit lines (5056) Lines (5056) Provisions (4962) Standardized guarantees (4962) Deficit (4926) Surplus (4926) Agreed maturity (4887) Maturity (4887) Supply (4639) Credit exposure (4514) Issuer (4339) Non-mmf investment fund (4178) Transferable deposits (3907) Overnight deposits (3899) Non-profit institutions (3874) Gross external debt (3832) Net external debt (3778) Work (3723) Labour input compensation (3702) External assets (3691) Offinancial reserve assets (3657) Analytical indicators (3512) Reserve assets (3411) Enterprises (3298) Business indicators (3278) Finrep (3244) Settlement media (3220) Non-life insurance (3131) Annuity entitlements (3122) Transport (3072) Social protection (2959) Exchange-traded funds (2765) Settlement media used by Non-MFIs (2698) Annuity (2624) Reserves (2530) Beverages (2504) Housing (2504) Liquidity (2503) Appliances (2481) Products (2474) Capital expenditure (2445) House purchase (2434) P&L (2399) Capital (2297) Education (2228) Technical (2215) Government bond (2190) Government bond yield curves (2165) Nominal (2165) Yield curves (2165) Asset quality (2080) By main activity (2050) Value added (2050) Repairs (2046) Lending (2034) Dwellings (1954) Health (1876) Fiscal burden (1867) Credit institutions (1861) Calls (1831) Guarantees (1831) New issues (1830) New redemptions (1830) Repurchase agreements (1796) Debt assets (1782) Debt liabilities (1782) CSD accounts (1779) Composite insurance corporations (1777) Life insurance corporations (1777) Non-life insurance corporations (1777) Reinsurance corporations (1777) Growth rates (1774) Borrowing (1767) Non-MMF investment fund (1726) Transport services (1629) Industrial turnover (1607) Funding (1594) Securities transfers (1590) Recreation (1588) Forwards (1580) Futures (1580) Recreational (1579) Producer prices (1559) Financial instruments (1552) Personal transport (1544) Alcoholic beverages (1501) Financial market (1489) Non-consolidated debt (1439) Compensation (1437) Subsidies (1437) Demand (1428) Household appliances (1398) Maintenance (1396) Condolidated transactions (1380) Debt holdings (1354) Clothing (1316) Consumer credit (1292) Corep (1270) Non-MFIs (1267) Profitability (1266) Purchases (1254) Labour force (1248) Gardens (1247) Business volumes (1238) Benefits (1237) All-items (1220) Ad-hoc (1149) Items (1130) Volume (1087) Rating A+ (1085) Personal care (1082) Rating (1080) Telephones (1076) Short-term european paper (1075) Minimum reserves (1072) Non-alcoholic beverages (1070) Consolidated financial statement (1059) Fuels (1031) Culture (1024) Exchange rates (1022) Financial sector (1006) Net transactions (1006) MMFs (1004) Secondary income (1001) Total (1000) Cash securities (967) Contracts (955) Accessories (954) Self-employed (915) Personal effects (888) Durables (866) Debt Securities (852) Housing Wealth (852) Life insurance and annuity entitlements (852) Mortgages (852) Net Wealth (852) Other Debt (852) Total Assets (852) Total Liabilities (852) By gender (840) Decile D10 (840) Decile D6 (840) Decile D7 (840) Decile D8 (840) Decile D9 (840) Non-domestic (840) Financial Business Wealth (837) Investment Fund Shares (837) Listed Shares (837) Non Financial Business Wealth (837) Industrial production (836) By age (832) Tobacco (831) Recreational items (823) By holder (820) By issuer (820) Bottom 50% (819) Telefax (817) Direct participants (816) EU budget (816) Financial condition indicators (816) Non-OTC derivatives (810) Banknotes (799) Coins (799) Owner or partial owner (780) Rental or free use (780) Processing equipment (775) Employee (768) Retired (768) Undefined and other (768) Adjusted loans (767) Passenger transport (761) Vehicles (757) Recreational services (756) Population (753) Floating rate issues (752) Employment (751) Furnishing (747) Tools (745) Books (738) Textiles (738) Earnings (734) Reinvestment (734) Car registrations (718) Growth rate indices (710) Fixed assets (704) OTC derivatives (702) Furniture (699) Interconnectedness (692) Cultural (689) Cultural services (689) Effective exchange rates (688) Photographic (681) Central governement (660) Unemployed (651) Medical products (641) Agreements (632) Gas (629) Footwear (624) Capital revenue (612) Industrial goods (604) Accomodation services (596) Capital account (592) Foreign currency assets (591) Household furniture (589) Valuation effects (588) Residential real estate (580) Monetary aggregates (576) Yields and spreads above benchmark rates (576) By currency (575) Water (571) Net positions (570) Hire (558) Pets (558) Rentals (551) Audio-visual (550) Electricity (546) Household utensils (535) Utensils (535) Economic affairs (533) By original maturity (528) Newspapers (524) Settlement media used by credit institutions (522) Whom-to-whom accounts (522) Vegetables (520) Articles (516) Holidays (512) Actual rentals (504) Public services (502) By residual maturity (501) Household textiles (499) Listed securities number (495) Executed trades value (494) Bank credit indicators (493) Leverage (493) Executed trades number (492) Houses (492) CRE exposures (484) Commercial real estate (484) Statistical balance sheet (483) Energy (482) Medical appliances (471) Recording (470) Operation (468) Participants number (456) Fish (454) Gold accounts (453) Unallocated accounts (453) Pre-primary education (450) Primary education (450) Glassware (449) Number of participants (449) Tableware (449) Floor coverings (448) Milk (446) Community amenities (440) Environmental protection (440) Public order (440) Public safety (440) Religion (440) Final consumption (439) Import prices (434) Repo transactions (432) Fruit (430) Real CPI-deflated EERS (430) IMF (420) Reserve position (420) Interest payable (418) Defence (409) Remaining liabilities (409) Remaining assets (406) M3 (400) By economic activity (398) Postal services (398) Cars (394) Motor (388) Bennet chain indices (384) Garments (382) Wine (382) Cleaning (380) Financial services (378) Cereal (375) Machinery (375) Systems (375) Weapon systems (375) Weapons (375) Beer (373) Carpets (372) Media (362) Recording media (362) Meat (361) Package holidays (361) Electric (360) Reception (349) Reproduction (349) Sound (349) Bullion (348) Gold bullion (348) Drinks (347) Wholesale (342) Structural financial indicators (341) Variable interest rate (339) Intra-group positions (338) Structural housing indicators (334) Structural indicators (334) Domestic (331) Restaurants (330) Household maintenance (329) Banking structure (328) Medical equipment (325) Therapeutic appliances (325) Regulatory or supervisory actions (324) Electrical appliances (320) Lubricants (320) Syndicated loans (319) Secondary education (318) Borrowing indicators (316) Solid fuels (309) Reference rates (299) Drawing materials (293) Oil (293) Stationery (293) Sporting services (291) Sports (291) Overdrafts (284) Revolving loans (284) Paramedical services (283) Lending indicators (276) Credit standards (273) Musical instruments (273) Jewellery (271) Clocks (269) Watches (269) Sugar (264) Information processing equipment (262) Men (262) Secured (262) Women (262) Soft drinks (260) Domestic services (258) Nominal EERS (258) Games (254) Gross saving (249) Acquisition expenses (248) Premiums (248) Unprocessed food (243) Communication (242) Processed food (242) Water supply (242) Accommodation (241) Personal services (241) Recreation services (241) Seasonal food (240) Household (239) Materials (239) Construction (238) Intellectual products (238) Property products (238) Credit service indicators (237) Debt service indicators (237) App - impact on banks (234) Camping (234) Deposit facility rate & two-tier system (234) Open-air recreation (234) Buildings (233) Structures (233) Hospital (232) Hospital services (232) Primary expenditure (232) Debt-to-Assets Ratio (231) Liquid fuels (230) House prices indicators (226) MFI assets (225) Transport equipment (225) Primary deficit (224) Primary surplus (224) Biological resources (223) Resources (223) Total assets (221) Total liabilities (221) Fees (220) Heat energy (217) Cafes (209) Hobbies (209) Hotels (209) Bread (208) Cheese (208) Chocolate (208) Coffee (208) Eggs (208) Fats (208) Flowers (208) Fruit juice (208) Honey (208) Jam (208) Mineral water (208) Periodicals (208) Plants (208) Spare parts (208) Spirits (208) Tea (208) Toys (208) Vegetable juices (208) Medical services (207) Cocoa (206) Stationery materials (206) Veterinary (206) External liabilities (205) Food products (205) Bicycles (204) Seafood (201) Special drawing rights (200) Printed matter (195) Cash collateral (194) Collateral (194) Overall index (194) Mortgage loan features (193) Accumulated changes (192) Interest rate component (192) Weight component (192) Property prices (190) Cross-country variation (188) Picture (187) Residential property prices (187) Household services (186) Cash (184) Extended credit (184) Market funds (180) Money (180) Hairdressing (176) Swaps (176) Children (175) Licences (175) Infants (174) ESAs (171) Linen (171) Deficit-debt adjustment (170) Debt changes (168) Fresh milk (167) Funding indicators (167) Cinematographic (165) Macroeconomic indicators (165) Sea (163) Information (161) Euro (157) Retail trade turnover (156) Total volume (155) Electronic money (152) Animal drawn vehicles (151) Average daily turnover (151) Flights (150) Waterway (150) Employees (147) Large insurance groups (147) Clearing link (145) M2 (144) Weighted average rate (133) Banks lending margins (132) Garages (132) Forward type (130) Housing transactions (130) Supply side (130) Non-motorised tools (122) Air (121) Canteens (121) Communication services (121) Confectionery (121) Dental services (121) Hairdressing salons (121) Housing services (121) Indoor recreation (121) Information processing equipments (121) Motor cycles (121) Non-durable goods (121) Optical instruments (121) Out-patient services (121) Passenger (121) Personal grooming establishments (121) Pharmaceutical products (121) Reserve maintenance (121) Road (121) Routine (121) Shoes (121) Catering services (120) Convenience credit (120) Non-durables (120) Semi-durables (120) Contributions (117) Sewerage collection (117) Railway (116) In/outdoor recreation (115) Refuse collection (115) Gross acquisitions (114) OIS (113) Business and consumer surveys (112) Opinion surveys (112) Accruals (110) App - impact on lending (108) Combined passenger transport (104) Market data (103) ICT equipment (102) Intra-day loans (101) Second-hand vehicles (101) Risk assessment indicators (99) Extended credit card debt (98) Repo (97) GDP indicators (96) Building permits (95) Asset type (88) Cinema (88) Concerts (88) Dancing (88) Dancing establishments (88) Driving lessons (88) Inns (88) Inter-bank positions (88) International flights (88) Motels (88) Participation (88) Road worthiness tests (88) Tests (88) Theatre (88) Bakery products (87) Bed (87) Beef (87) Breakfast (87) Bus (87) Butter (87) Cameras (87) Celebration (87) Ceramic (87) Chilled fruit (87) Chilled vegetables (87) Chinaware (87) Cigarettes (87) Clothes (87) Coach (87) Coffee machines (87) Collective consumption (87) Condiments (87) Confectionery products (87) Consumption by component (87) Contact lenses (87) Cookers (87) Corrective eyeglasses (87) Couscous (87) Crystal-ware (87) Curd (87) Diesel (87) Dish (87) Dried fruit (87) Dried meat (87) Dried vegetables (87) Drying machines (87) Edible ices (87) Fiction books (87) Flours (87) Freezers (87) Fresh fruit (87) Fresh vegetables (87) Fridge-freezers (87) Frozen vegetables (87) Ice cream (87) Kitchen (87) Lager (87) Liqueurs (87) Magazines (87) Margarine (87) Marmalade (87) Meat preparations (87) Milk products (87) Mobile (87) Non-durable articles (87) Non-electric (87) Nuts (87) Olive oil (87) Package international holidays (87) Paid (87) Pasta (87) Pasta products (87) Personal computers (87) Personal grooming treatments (87) Petrol (87) Pork (87) Potatoes (87) Poultry (87) Preserved fish (87) Preserved vegetables (87) Processed fish (87) Processed vegetables (87) Radio (87) Refrigerators (87) Rice (87) Salted meat (87) Sauces (87) Seafood-based preparations (87) Smoked meat (87) Spring waters (87) Subscriptions (87) Tea makers (87) Television (87) Tires (87) Veal (87) Ware (87) Washing machines (87) Yoghurt (87) Beauty products (86) Charges (86) Cutlery (86) Esoteric products (86) Fast food (86) Flatware (86) Food services (86) Motor vehicle (86) Non-electrical appliances (86) Personal hygiene (86) Personal wellness (86) Post offices (86) Silverware (86) Take-away (86) Travel goods (86) Administrative fees (85) Baby food (85) Chilled fish (85) Crisps (85) Culinary herbs (85) Driver (85) Edible oils (85) Fresh fish (85) Frozen fish (85) Handling services (85) Herbs (85) Letter (85) Mechanical contraceptive devices (85) Medical (85) Non-fiction books (85) Paper products (85) Photographic services (85) Powdered chocolate (85) Pregnancy tests (85) Salt (85) Spices (85) Taxi (85) Accountancy (84) Babies (84) Bathroom (84) Child services (84) Curtains (84) Fabrics (84) Funeral services (84) Legal services (84) Libraries (84) Lighting (84) Low fat milk (84) Meals (84) Miscellaneous accessories (84) Museums (84) Ready-made meals (84) Rugs (84) Table (84) Vision (84) Zoological gardens (84) Food processing appliances (83) Natural gas (83) Parking meters (83) Pizza (83) Quiche (83) Tertiary education (83) Toll facilities (83) Town gas (83) Train (83) Whole milk (83) Access services (82) Attendance (82) Internet (82) Motorised (82) Pre-recorded (82) Irons (81) Air conditioners (80) Disabled persons (80) Elderly persons (80) Heaters (80) Housing wealth (80) Painters (80) Parking spaces (80) Residences (80) Retirement homes (80) Specialist practice (80) Telecommunication (80) Wealth (80) Administered prices (79) Currency assets (79) Cycles (79) Embedded options (79) Fruit-based products (79) Liquefied hydrocarbons (79) M1 (79) Preserved fruit (79) Unrecorded (79) Camping sites (78) Holiday centres (78) Plumbers (78) Private insurance (78) Youth hostels (78) General practice (77) Portable sound devices (77) Portable vision devices (77) Text books (77) Dried fish (76) Maintenance charges (76) Multioccupied buildings (76) Quarterly (76) Salted fish (76) Smoked fish (76) Economic indicator (74) Cleaning services (73) Electricians (73) Services to maintain people (73) CCPs (72) FDI debt instruments (72) Goat (72) Lamb (72) Removal services (72) Storage services (72) Total financial assets (72) Preserved milk (71) Gardens furniture (70) Establishments (69) Inventories (69) Valuables (69) Edible offal (68) Frozen seafood (67) Laboratories (67) Medical analysis (67) Software (67) X-ray centres (67) Capital guarantee (66) Cigars (66) Financial integration (66) Heating systems (66) Carpenters (64) Notional cash-pooling (64) Package domestic holidays (64) Coal (63) Reverse repurchase agreements (63) Unsecured (63) Domestic flights (62) Grills (61) Toasters (61) Outdoor recreation (60) Hearing aids (59) Chilled seafood (58) Fresh seafood (58) Artificial sugar substitutes (56) Boats (56) Calculators (56) Fitting out of boats (56) Frozen fruit (56) Outboard motors (56) Shipbuilding (56) Net flows (55) Ambulance (54) Corrective-gymnastic (54) Therapeutic equipment (54) Therapy (54) Thermalbaths (54) Tram (54) Underground (54) Alcoholic drinks (52) Animal fat (52) Binding services (52) Camper vans (52) Caravans (52) Downloads (52) E-book (52) Equity injections (52) Privatisation (52) Trailers (52) Travel (52) Credit conditions (51) Overnight (51) Tubers (51) Brokers (50) Investment counsellors (50) Service charges (50) Deflators (49) 1 month (tenor) (48) 1 week (tenor) (48) MP-dated trades (48) Non-tertiary education (48) Post-secondary education (48) Spot/Next (48) Tomorrow/Next (48) Leasing (47) Fitted carpets (46) Trade (46) Employees compensation (44) Listed companies (44) Market capitalisation (44) Equity markets (42) Financial market indicators (42) Index (42) Secondary residences (42) Target balance (42) MFI liabilities (41) Transmission services (40) Optical (39) Cable-car (38) Chair-lift (38) Funicular (38) Horses (36) Ponies (36) Consolidated statement (35) Indicative rates (35) Aeroplanes (34) Belgium (collateral issuer) (34) Counselling (34) France (collateral issuer) (34) Germany (collateral issuer) (34) Gliders (34) Hang-gliders (34) Hot-air balloons (34) Interbank (34) Italy (collateral issuer) (34) Microlight aircraft (34) Monetary indicators (34) Netherlands (collateral issuer) (34) Spain (collateral issuer) (34) Money market (33) Cross border exposures (32) Currency exposures (32) Securities exposures (32) Long-term (31) Mortgage (31) Foreign exchange indicators (30) Risk indicators (30) Energy prices (26) Hourly labour costs (26) IMM-dated trades (24) Settlement 1 year after trade date year (24) Settlement on the same year as trade date (24) Social rents (23) Commodity prices (22) Industrial new orders (22) Decile D1 (21) Decile D2 (21) Decile D3 (21) Decile D4 (21) Decile D5 (21) Gini (21) Mean Wealth (21) Median Wealth (21) Public insurance (21) Wealth Share of the Bottom 50% (21) Wealth Share of the Top 10% (21) Wealth Share of the Top 5% (21) Deposits ratio (20) Euro area FVCs (20) Excess reserves (20) Exempted excess reserves (20) Exemption allowance (20) Non-exempted excess reserves (20) Required reserves (20) Services turnover (20) Unused allowance (20) Monetary aggregate M3 (19) Non-bank variables (17) Capital markets (15) Euro money market (15) Euro short-term rate (15) Derecognised loans (14) Loan transfers (14) Monetary aggregate M1 (14) Motorcars (14) Securitisations (14) Monetary aggregate M2 (13) Seasonally adjusted (13) 12 months (tenor) (12) 3 months (tenor) (12) 6 months (tenor) (12) 9 months (tenor) (12) Corporate bond (12) Debit (12) Key interest rate (12) Non energy commodity prices (12) Offinancial interest rates (12) Non-FVC (11) Benchmark bond (10) Central government (10) ECB (10) Estimate (10) Estimated MFI loans (10) Farm-gate (10) Holdings (10) National contributions (10) Negotiated wages (10) Cultivated assets (8) Government
(8) Intangible fixed assets (8) Pre-Euro Short-Term Rate (8) TLTRO III - participation/reasons (7) Maintenance Period 1 (6) Maintenance Period 2 (6) Maintenance Period 3 (6) Maintenance Period 4 (6) Maintenance Period 5 (6) Maintenance Period 6 (6) Maintenance Period 7 (6) Maintenance Period 8 (6) Residuals counterparts (5) Banknotes shipments (4) Commodities (4) Government_x000D_
(4) Land (4) Primary Income (4) Repo loans (4) Secondary Income (4) 1 month (bucket) (3) 10 years (bucket) (3) 12 months (bucket) (3) 2 months (bucket) (3) 2 years (bucket) (3) 3 months (bucket) (3) 3 years (bucket) (3) 5 years (bucket) (3) 6 months (bucket) (3) 9 months (bucket) (3) Commercial property prices (3) Consumer (3) Delta quarter 1 (3) Delta quarter 2 (3) Delta quarter 3 (3) Delta quarter 4 (3) Delta quarter 5 (3) Delta quarter 6 (3) Delta quarter 7 (3) Delta quarter 8 (3) Forward 12M24M (bucket) (3) Over 10 years (bucket) (3) Principal common component of inflation (3) Supercore (3) All spot OIS transactions except novations (2) Balabnce (2) By size class (2) Inter-MFI liabilities (2) Job vacancy (2) Monetary deposits (2) Monetary financial assets (2) Monetary securities (2) Non-monetary deposits (2) Non-monetary financial assets (2) Non-monetary securities (2) Spread (2) GDP (1) All OIS transactions except novations (1) All forward OIS transactions except novations (1) Calculation method (1) Deficiencies (1) Net external assets (1) Number of active banks (1) Number of transactions (1) Rate at 25th percentile of volume (1) Rate at 75th percentile of volume (1) Real GDP growth (1) Remaining counterparts (1) Reserve base (1) Share of volume of the 5 largest active banks (1) Volume-weighted trimmed mean rate (1) real GDP (1)
Geographical areas
Afghanistan (39) Albania (2629) Algeria (665) Andorra (48) Angola (107) Anguilla (58) Antigua and Barbuda (56) Argentina (724) Armenia (437) Aruba (409) Australia (5620) Austria (85361) Azerbaijan (437) Bahamas (77) Bahrain (334) Bangladesh (30) Barbados (12) Belarus (425) Belgium (87230) Belize (38) Benin (48) Bermuda (234) Bhutan (86) Bolivia (362) Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (4) Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) Botswana (60) Brazil (2835) Brunei Darussalam (19) Bulgaria (88298) Burkina Faso (388) Burundi (123) Cambodia (20) Cameroon (520) Canada (6015) Cape Verde (354) Cayman Islands (118) Central African Republic (40) Chad (273) Chile (3728) China (978) Colombia (10150) Comoros (23) Congo (26) Congo, the Democratic Republic of the (26) Costa Rica (4818) Cote d`Ivoire (117) Croatia (89808) Cuba (55) Curacao (498) Cyprus (84672) Czech Republic (93154) Denmark (79763) Djibouti (23) Dominica (62) Dominican Republic (404) ECB (European Central Bank) (676) ECCU (Eastern Caribbean Currency Union) (6) EIB (European Investment Bank) (4) ESM (European Stability Mechanism) (4) EU (Member States and Institutions of the European Union) changing composition (5677) EU (changing composition) (3802) EU 27 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2007 (1123) EU 28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013 (1032) EU countries participating in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) (changing composition) (8912) EU member states not belonging to the Euro area (2) EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit) (17108) EU28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013 (2802) Ecuador (854) Egypt (475) El Salvador (320) Equatorial Guinea (29) Eritrea (1) Estonia (85374) Ethiopia (18) Euro area (20 countries) (5) Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition (52628) Euro area (changing composition) (537813) Euro area (moving concept in the Real Time database context) (267) Euro area 12 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2001 (1478) Euro area 13 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2007 (3574) Euro area 15 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2008 (3676) Euro area 16 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2009 (3682) Euro area 17 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2011 (11451) Euro area 18 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2014 (18192) Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015 (61805) Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 (46656) Euro area countries except Germany, France, Italy and Spain (30468) European Central Bank (ECB) (302) European Economic Area (135) European Investment Bank (4) European Union (27 countries) (4) Extra Euro area (203) FR. Germany (4) Faroe Islands (198) Fiji (76) Finland (89465) France (115863) French Guiana (15) French Polynesia (20) Gabon (88) Gambia (45) Georgia (112) Germany (112502) Ghana (24) Greece (86846) Greenland (117) Grenada (62) Guadeloupe (13) Guam (22) Guatemala (841) Guinea (229) Guinea-Bissau (24) Guyana (39) Haiti (22) Honduras (881) Hong Kong (732) Hong Kong, China (144) Hungary (89952) IMF Member Countries (IMF) (3) Iceland (3688) India (3067) Indonesia (851) Iran, Islamic Republic of (722) Iraq (96) Ireland (85225) Israel (10028) Italy (116732) Jamaica (103) Japan (13204) Jordan (39) Kazakhstan (935) Kenya (68) Kingdom of Eswatini (45) Kiribati (14) Korea, Republic of (8980) Kosovo (1469) Kuwait (448) Kyrgyzstan (470) Lao People`s Democratic Republic (74) Latvia (86400) Lebanon (194) Lesotho (127) Liberia (10) Libya (17) Liechtenstein (4) Lithuania (86017) Luxembourg (83507) Macao (139) Madagascar (13) Malawi (103) Malaysia (1007) Maldives (33) Mali (24) Malta (80843) Marshall Islands (58) Martinique (12) Mauritania (52) Mauritius (208) Mexico (17417) Micronesia, Federated States of (139) Moldova, Republic of (399) Mongolia (473) Montenegro (1585) Montserrat (71) Morocco (1450) Mozambique (56) Myanmar (25) Namibia (210) Nauru (11) Nepal (26) Netherlands (87255) Netherlands Antilles (504) New Caledonia (12) New Zealand (2439) Nicaragua (928) Niger (430) Nigeria (133) Niue (7) Norway (11529) Not applicable (1776) OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (35) Oman (23) Other Euro area member states (all countries except the reference area) (180) Pakistan (49) Palau (96) Palestine, State of (64) Panama (131) Papua New Guinea (74) Paraguay (164) Peru (1636) Philippines (859) Poland (89196) Portugal (86332) Puerto Rico (31) Qatar (406) Republic of North Macedonia (741) Rest of the World (5013) Romania (92956) Russian Federation (2067) Rwanda (24) Saint Kitts and Nevis (60) Saint Lucia (59) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (65) Samoa (4) San Marino (198) Sao Tome and Principe (9) Saudi Arabia (829) Senegal (445) Serbia (1125) Seychelles (23) Sierra Leone (83) Singapore (852) Sint Maarten (Dutch part) (24) Slovakia (88017) Slovenia (85383) Solomon Islands (20) Somalia (19) South Africa (1268) South Sudan (35) Spain (116620) Sri Lanka (164) Sudan (55) Suriname (51) Sweden (76608) Switzerland (3278) Syrian Arab Republic (31) Taiwan, Province of China (642) Tajikistan (87) Tanzania, United Republic of (72) Thailand (867) Timor-Leste (51) Togo (152) Tonga (84) Trinidad and Tobago (369) Tunisia (707) Turkey (12813) Turkmenistan (11) Turks and Caicos Islands (14) Tuvalu (8) Uganda (44) Ukraine (1517) United Arab Emirates (666) United Kingdom (27754) United States (8023) Uruguay (675) Uzbekistan (382) Vanuatu (110) Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic (650) Viet Nam (14) Virgin Islands, British (725) West Germany (2) World (all entities) (1847) World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) (4885) World not allocated (geographically) (689) Yemen (58) Zambia (119) Zimbabwe (24)
AMECO (AME) (121) ATM, OTC and POS terminal transactions (PTT) (46933) BSI_TEST (BSIT) (2) Balance Sheet Items (BSI) (64236) Balance Sheet Items for Payments (BSP) (3466) Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6)(discontinued) (BP6) (77616) Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPS) (88467) Balance of Payments statistics, national data (discontinued) (ST1) (714) Bank Lending Survey Statistics (BLS) (20697) Bank Lending Survey Statistics (historical) (BLS1) (1959) Banking Structural Financial Indicators (SSI) (571) Banknotes statistics (BKN) (808) Card payments and cash withdrawals using cards (including fraud data) (PCP) (106760) Central Counterparty Clearing Statistics (CCP) (6488) Commercial Property Price Statistics (discontinued) (CPP) (2) Commercial Property Prices (RESC) (3) Composite Indicator of Systemic Stress (CISS) (41) Consolidated Banking data (CBD2) (66098) Country-Level Index of Financial Stress (CLIFS) (CLIFS) (28) Credit transfers (including fraud data) (PCT) (25260) Dealogic DCM analytics data (DCM) (22) Derived Data (discontinued) (DD) (313) Direct debits (including fraud data) (PDD) (10703) Distributional Wealth Accounts (DWA) (11373) E-money payment transactions (including fraud data) (PEM) (20347) EBA Key Risk Indicators (KRI) (24) EONIA- Euro Interbank Offered Rate (discontinued) (EON) (2) ESA95 National Accounts (discontinued) (ESA) (16765) ESA95 quarterly euro area accounts (discontinued) (IEAQ) (43814) ESA95 quarterly non-financial accounts (discontinued) (IEAF) (9033) Electronic card payments sent by merchant category (PMC) (2032) Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics (discontinued) (BOP) (10721) Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics, Geographical Breakdown (discontinued) (ST3) (11330) Euro short-term rate (EST) (15) European Union Balance of Payments (Source Eurostat) (discontinued) (ESB) (1595) Eurostat Job Vacancy Statistics (discontinued) (JVC) (1) Excessive deficit procedure (EDP) (Eurostat) (EDP) (180) Exchange Rates (EXR) (3927) External Trade (TRD) (508) Financial Vehicle Corporation (FVC) (7036) Financial market data (FM) (111) Financial market data - yield curve (YC) (2165) Foreign Exchange Intervention (FXI) (12) Government Statistics (discontinued) (GST) (18891) Government finance statistics (ECB and Eurostat) (GFS) (68030) Government tax and social contributions receipts (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 9) (E09) (38455) Indicators of Financial Integration (IFI) (66) Indices of Consumer prices (ICP) (60680) Insurance Corporations & Pension Funds Statistics (discontinued) (ICPF) (1514) Insurance Corporations Assets and Liabilities (ICB) (9730) Insurance Corporations Operations (ICO) (255) Internal Liquidity Management (ILM) (1166) International Reserves of the Eurosystem (BPM6)(discontinued) (RA6) (12609) International Reserves of the Eurosystem (RAS) (12463) International Reserves of the Eurosystem (discontinued) (RA) (486) Investment Funds Balance Sheet Statistics (IVF) (180463) Job Vacancy Statistics (JVS) (105) Labour Cost Index, including weights (LCI) (984) Labour Force Survey Indicators (LFSI) (2844) Labour Force Survey Indicators - IESS definition (IESS) (3891) Large Insurance Groups Statistics (LIG) (147) List of MFIs (MFI) (744) Long-term interest rate statistics (IRS) (39) MFI Interest Rate Statistics (MIR) (7901) Macroeconomic Projection Database (MPD) (5295) Main aggregates, national accounts (International Data Cooperation) (IDCM) (8400) Main aggregates, national accounts, (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 1) (MNA) (28496) Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR) (446) Money Market Statistical Reporting (discontinued) (MMSR0) (129) Money Market Survey (discontinued) (MMS) (689) National accounts, Employment (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 0110, 0111) (discontinued) (ENA) (434) Number of cards issued by resident PSPs by card function and scheme (PCN) (1196) Number of participants in payments systems (PSN) (2574) Number of terminals provided by resident PSPs by type and function (PTN) (11540) Opinion Surveys (SUR) (224) Other Financial Intermediaries (OFI) (732) Payment initiation services (including fraud data) (PIS) (3636) Payments and Settlement Systems Statistics (discontinued) (PSS) (79697) Payments transactions (Key indicators) (PAY) (56850) Payments transactions by PSP category (PPC) (41292) Pension Funds Assets and Liabilities (discontinued) (PFB) (333) Pension funds Regulation (PFBR) (704) Pension funds number of members (PFBM) (84) Quarterly sector accounts (financial accounts (ECB) and non-financial accounts (Eurostat, ESA2010 TP, table 801)) (QSA) (307898) Real Time Database (research database) (RTD) (278) Residential Property Price Index Statistics (discontinued) (RPP) (228) Residential Property Prices (RESR) (872) Residential Property Valuation (RESV) (240) Residential Property Valuation (RPV) (232) Retail Interest Rates (discontinued) (RIR) (107) Risk Assessment Indicators (RAI) (612) Risk Dashboard data (RDE) (6) Risk Dashboard data (RDF) (34) STEP data (STP) (1075) Sector accounts, national accounts, non-EU countries (International Data Cooperation) (IDCS) (143375) Securities (discontinued) (SEC) (40633) Securities Holding Statistics (discontinued) (SHS) (11292) Securities Holdings Statistics (SHSS) (82162) Securities Issues Statistics (CSEC) (630176) Securities Settlement Statistics (SST) (18822) Securities exchange - Trading Statistics (SEE) (2171) Shipments of Euro Banknotes Statistics (BNT) (4) Short-Term Statistics (STS) (6135) Statistics on Consolidated Banking Data (discontinued) (CBD) (17520) Structural Financial Indicators for Payments (SSP) (8710) Structural Housing Indicators (RESH) (293) Structural Housing Indicators Statistics (SHI) (334) Supervisory Banking Statistics (SUP) (19811) Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) (360203) Survey on Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE) (288525) Target Balances (TGB) (44) Total general government expenditure by functions (COFOG),(Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 11)
(E11) (159501) Trade weights (WTS) (49703) Transactions in payments systems (PST) (16028)
Annual (1003753) Daily (330) Daily-Businessweek (3761) Half-yearly (358176) Monthly (928531) Quarterly (1198951) Weekly (35)