Statistics on interest rates applied by monetary financial institutions (except central banks and money market funds) to deposits and loans vis-á-vis households and non-financial corporations, both for New Business and Outstanding Amounts .
Interest rates and corresponding volumes on: Deposits with MFIs from households, Deposits with MFIs from non-financial corporations, Loans granted by MFIs to households, Loans granted by MFIs to non-financial corporations.
Euro area, although a more limited dataset is available for non-euro area Member States.
MFI sector vis-à-vis households (including non-profit institutions serving households) and non-financial corporations.
Sources of weights: for the aggregation of interest rates within each instrument category, the respective business volumes are used as weights. To calculate an individual institution"s aggregate interest rate per instrument category, the volumes of each contract within that instrument category are used as weights.
Nature of weights: weighted averages
Months from January 2003 to ongoing
No base period
For information about the naming convention (series key dimensions and metadata), refer to the MIR underlying DSD (ECB_MIR1) maintained by the ECB.
For interest rates: percent per annum
For business volumes: national currency
For Oustanding amounts: stocks and interest rates observed at end of month (exceptionally period averages for implicit rates)
For New business: all new agreements on interest rates, including renegotiations of existing agreements, as agreed on during the course of one month
For Interest rates : annualized agreed rate (AAR), or narrowly defined effective rate (NDER)
For Stocks : book value or volumes agreed on (in the case of new business )
Verification of processing
Revisions are taken on board to improve data quality, as and when they occur.
MFI Interest Rate Statistics (MIR Statistics)
Monetary financial institutions in the euro area are legally obliged to report data to their National Central Banks, which in turn report to the ECB.
European Central Bank
Logical and plausibility checking
Release calendar schedule on the ECB"s website:
For the MIR press release on the ECB"s website, see:
For the main page of MIR statistics on the ECB"s website, see:
MFI Interest Rate Statistics Manual:
Cost of borrowing indicators methodology:
Major conceptual / methodological changes take place at large intervals (minimum 5 years) and are explained, at the latest with the revised statistics.
Regulation ECB/2013/34:
Regulation ECB/2014/30:
Guideline ECB/2021/16:…
Council regulation (EC) No 2533/98 of 23 November 1998 concerning the collection of statistical information by the European Central Bank:
ECB legal framework:
Download the series catalogue containing a full list of series and associated metadata of the dataset MIR in CSV format (zipped)