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Item Concept description concept Code List Usage in the portal
1. Dimension Frequency FREQ CL_FREQ
2. Dimension Holder country HOLDER_AREA CL_AREA
3. Dimension Issuer domicile country ISSUER_AREA CL_AREA
4. Dimension Holder sector HOLDER_SECTOR CL_SECTOR
5. Dimension Issuer ESA 2010 sector ISSUER_SECTOR CL_SECTOR
6. Dimension Functional category FUNCTIONAL_CAT CL_FUNCTIONAL_CAT
7. Dimension Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows STO CL_NA_STO
8. Dimension Instrument and assets classification INSTR_ASSET CL_INSTR_ASSET
9. Dimension Maturity MATURITY CL_MATURITY
10. Dimension Unit of measure UNIT_MEASURE CL_UNIT
11. Dimension Valuation VALUATION CL_VALUATION
12. Dimension Security type SECURITY_TYPE CL_SECURITY_TYPE
13. Dimension Macro-adjustment flag MA_FLAG CL_YES_NO
14. Dimension Is in EADB IS_IN_EADB CL_YES_NO
15. Dimension Asset securitisation type SECURITISATION_TYP CL_SECURITISATION
16. Dimension Debt type DEBT_TYPE CL_DEBT_TYPE
17. Dimension Third party holdings flag TPH CL_TPH
18. Dimension Nominal currency of the security NOM_CURR CL_CURRENCY
19. Dimension Compiling organisation COMPILING_ORG CL_ORGANISATION

Observation-level attributes

Item Concept description concept Code List Usage in the portal
Observation-level attributes Observation value OBS_VALUE
Observation-level attributes Observation status OBS_STATUS CL_OBS_STATUS
Observation-level attributes Confidentiality status CONF_STATUS CL_CONF_STATUS
Observation-level attributes Pre-break value PRE_BREAK_VALUE
Observation-level attributes Comments to the observation value COMMENT_OBS
Observation-level attributes EAPlus flag EAPLUS_FLAG CL_YES_NO
Observation-level attributes ESCB flag ESCB_FLAG CL_YES_NO

Time Series-level attributes

Item Concept description concept Code List Usage in the portal
Time Series-level attributes Series comment including brief description of the underlying statistic COMMENT_TS
Time Series-level attributes Underlying compilation DATA_COMP
Time Series-level attributes Decimals DECIMALS CL_DECIMALS
Time Series-level attributes Data dissemination organisation DISS_ORG CL_ORGANISATION
Time Series-level attributes Reference period detail REF_PERIOD_DETAIL CL_REF_PERIOD_DTL
Time Series-level attributes Time period collection TIME_PER_COLLECT CL_TIME_COLLECT
Time Series-level attributes Title TITLE
Time Series-level attributes Title complement TITLE_COMPL
Time Series-level attributes Unit multiplier UNIT_MULT CL_UNIT_MULT