These data contain information on the aggregate consolidated profitability, balance sheets, asset quality, liquidity, funding, capital adequacy and solvency of EU banks, and refer to all EU Member States.
The banks are divided into three size groups: small, medium-sized and large. Information on foreign-controlled institutions active in EU countries is also provided.
Data are published four times a year: there is a comprehensive set of end-year data and a smaller subset which is subject to more frequent reporting.
Aggregates and indicators are published for all the banks of the reporting population, which comprise
- reporters (sources of data) applying the European Banking Authority’s implementing technical standards on supervisory reporting (IFRS-FINREP data sources)
- reporters applying national accounting standards and the EBA’s ITS (nGAAP-FINREP data sources)
- reporters not applying the EBA’s ITS at all (Non-FINREP data sources).
Aggregates and indicators are published depending on the availability of the underlying data.
A new framework for consolidated banking data has been in place since the implementation of the European Banking Authority’s ITS on supervisory reporting, i.e. end-2014. While the ITS ensure that supervisory data across Europe are fully harmonised, some gaps remain in the reporting of financial information and the extent to which some banks continue to be subject to national reporting requirements.
The main differences between the old (pre-ITS) and new (post-ITS) frameworks for consolidated banking data are captured in the CBD-CBD2 mapping.
These data contain information on the aggregate consolidated profitability, balance sheets, asset quality, liquidity, funding, capital adequacy and solvency of EU banks, and refer to all EU Member States.
The banks are divided into three size groups: small, medium-sized and large. Information on foreign-controlled institutions active in EU countries is also provided.
All data (for outstanding amounts and financial transactions) are reported in euro. The data are semi-annual, except for certain detailed breakdowns which are collected only annually
The sample is that of credit institutions (IFRS and non-IFRS reporters)
These data contain information on the aggregate consolidated
- profitability
- balance sheets
- asset quality
- liquidity
- funding
- capital adequacy
- solvency of EU banks
and refer to all EU Member States.
The banks are divided into three size groups: small, medium-sized and large. Information on foreign-controlled institutions active in EU countries is also provided.
All data (for outstanding amounts and financial transactions) are reported in euro.
Credit institutions. See data on the number of reporters.
For further information on the Consolidated banking data, please access the documentation below:
Dataset | Bulk download | Calendar |
CBD2 - Consolidated Banking data | SDMX2.1CSV | Release Calendar |
CBD - Statistics on Consolidated Banking Data (discontinued) | SDMX2.1CSV |