6993 time series
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Advanced filters
Frequency (2)
- [H] Half-yearly (806)
- [Q] Quarterly (6187)
Reference area (22)
- [AT] Austria (226)
- [B01] EU countries participating in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) (changing composition) (2247)
- [BE] Belgium (226)
- [BG] Bulgaria (226)
- [CY] Cyprus (226)
- [DE] Germany (226)
- [EE] Estonia (226)
- [ES] Spain (226)
- [FI] Finland (226)
- [FR] France (226)
- [GR] Greece (226)
- [HR] Croatia (226)
- [IE] Ireland (226)
- [IT] Italy (226)
- [LT] Lithuania (226)
- [LU] Luxembourg (226)
- [LV] Latvia (226)
- [MT] Malta (226)
- [NL] Netherlands (226)
- [PT] Portugal (226)
- [SI] Slovenia (226)
- [SK] Slovakia (226)
Counterpart area (27)
- [AT] Austria (31)
- [BE] Belgium (31)
- [BG] Bulgaria (31)
- [CY] Cyprus (31)
- [DE] Germany (31)
- [E10] Europe except European Economic Area countries (31)
- [EE] Estonia (31)
- [ES] Spain (31)
- [FI] Finland (31)
- [FR] France (31)
- [G00] EEA except the EU countries participating in the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) (31)
- [GR] Greece (31)
- [HR] Croatia (31)
- [IE] Ireland (31)
- [IT] Italy (31)
- [LT] Lithuania (31)
- [LU] Luxembourg (31)
- [LV] Latvia (31)
- [MT] Malta (31)
- [NL] Netherlands (31)
- [PT] Portugal (31)
- [SI] Slovenia (31)
- [SK] Slovakia (31)
- [W0] World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) (6054)
- [W1] Rest of the World (31)
- [_X] Not allocated/ unspecified (31)
- [_Z] Not applicable (164)
Counterpart sector (8)
- [S11] Non financial corporations (313)
- [S121] Central bank (35)
- [S122Z] Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank and excluding electronic money institutions principally engaged in financial intermediation (35)
- [S12R] Other financial corporations (127)
- [S13] General government (841)
- [S14] Households (313)
- [S1V] Non-financial corporations, households and NPISH (93)
- [_Z] Not applicable (5236)
Consolidated banking data item (171)
- [A0000] TOTAL ASSETS (31)
- [A0010] Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits (31)
- [A1140] Loans and advances (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) (62)
- [A1200] Debt securities (31)
- [A1301] Equity instruments (balance sheet) (31)
- [A1401] Derivatives - assets (balance sheet) (31)
- [A1410] Derivatives (assets) - trading (31)
- [A1420] Derivatives (assets) - hedge accounting (31)
- [A2120] Investments in associates, subsidiaries and joint ventures (31)
- [A3200] Intangible assets (31)
- [A6310] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Liquidity buffer (31)
- [A6320] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Net liquidity outflow (31)
- [A6400] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 1 assets - unadjusted (31)
- [A6410] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 1 asset collaterals and secured cash adjustments for 30 days outflows and inflows (31)
- [A6420] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 1 assets - adjusted amount (31)
- [A6421] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 1 assets - adjusted amount, excluding EHQCB (31)
- [A6422] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 1 assets - adjusted amount, EHQCB (31)
- [A6500] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 2 assets - unadjusted (31)
- [A6510] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 2 asset collaterals adjustments for 30 days outflows and inflows (31)
- [A6520] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Level 2 assets - adjusted amount (31)
- [A6521] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE-Level 2 assets -adjusted amount, Level 2A (31)
- [A6522] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE-Level 2 assets -adjusted amount, Level 2B (31)
- [A6600] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Excess liquidity asset amount (31)
- [A6700] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - total outflows (31)
- [A6800] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - reduction for inflow (31)
- [A7100] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding (31)
- [A7110] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Central bank assets (31)
- [A7120] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Liquid assets (31)
- [A7130] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Securities other than liquid assets (31)
- [A7140] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Loans (31)
- [A7141] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Loans - of which: residential mortgages (31)
- [A7150] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Interdependent assets (31)
- [A7160] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Assets within a group or an IPS if subject to preferential treatment (31)
- [A7170] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Derivatives (31)
- [A7180] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Contributions to CCP default fund (31)
- [A7190] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Other assets (31)
- [A7200] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Required stable funding - Off-balance sheet items (31)
- [A9600] Other assets (other than cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits, derivatives, equity instruments, debt securities, loans and advances, investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates and intangible assets) (31)
- [D5130] Number of institutions - Core equity tier 1 ratio (%) <= 10 (22)
- [D5170] Number of institutions - Core equity tier 1 ratio (%) between 10 - 20 (22)
- [D5180] Number of institutions - Core equity tier 1 ratio (%) > 20 (22)
- [D7110] Number of institutions - Leverage ratio (%) <= 3 (22)
- [D7120] Number of institutions - Leverage ratio (%) between 3 - 6 (22)
- [D7130] Number of institutions - Leverage ratio (%) > 6 (22)
- [E0010] Amount of exposures - total (808)
- [E0020] Amount of exposure - debt securities (2)
- [E0030] Amount of exposures - loans and advances (62)
- [E0035] Amount of exposures - loans and advances (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) (258)
- [E0036] Amount of exposures - loans and advances (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) - collateralised by immovable property (124)
- [E0037] Amount of exposures - loans and advances (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) - credit for consumption (62)
- [E0038] Amount of exposures - loans and advances (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) - SME (62)
- [E0040] Amount of exposures - off-balance sheet exposures (2)
- [E0050] Amount of exposures - other (2)
- [E1100] Exposures to credit risk - Risk exposure amount for contributions to the default fund of a CCP (31)
- [E1300] Securitisation positions (31)
- [E2000] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) (31)
- [E2130] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Institutions (31)
- [E2135] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Corporates (31)
- [E2140] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Retail (31)
- [E2145] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Secured by mortgages on immovable property (31)
- [E3000] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) (31)
- [E324C] Exposures to credit risk - IRB approach - corporates (SME, specialised lending and other) (31)
- [E324E] Exposures to credit risk - IRB approach - retail (secured by real estate property SME and non-SME) (31)
- [E324I] Exposures to credit risk - IRB approach - institutions (31)
- [E324Q] Exposures to credit risk - IRB approach - retail (qualifying revolving, other SME and other non-SME) (31)
- [E5100] Exposures to market risk - Risk exposure amount for position, foreign exchange and commodities risks under standardised approaches (SA) (31)
- [E5200] Exposures to market risk - Risk exposure amount for Position, foreign exchange and commodities risks under internal models (IM) (31)
- [E6100] Exposures to operational risk - Basic indicator approach (BIA) (31)
- [E6200] Exposures to operational risk - Standardised (STA) / Alternative Standardised (ASA) approaches (31)
- [E6300] Exposures to operational risk - Advanced measurement approaches (AMA) (31)
- [E9300] OTHER RISK EXPOSURE AMOUNTS (other, due to fixed overheads and related to large exposures in the trading book) (31)
- [EW130] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - institutions (standardised approach) (31)
- [EW135] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - corporates (standardised approach) (31)
- [EW140] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - retail (standardised approach) (31)
- [EW145] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - secured by mortgages on immovable property (standardised approach) (31)
- [EW24C] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - corporates (IRB approach) (31)
- [EW24I] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - institutions (IRB approach) (31)
- [EW24Q] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - retail (IRB approach) (31)
- [EW24R] Risk-weighted exposure amount to the total exposure amount - retail - secured by real estate (IRB approach) (31)
- [I2003] Return on equity [%] (31)
- [I2004] Return on assets [%] (31)
- [I2100] Cost-to-income ratio [%] (31)
- [I2120] Net interest margin [%] (31)
- [I2513] Net interest income to total operating income (ratio) (31)
- [I2527] Net trading (and investment) income to operating income [%] (31)
- [I2531] Net fee and commission income to total operating income (ratio) (31)
- [I3017] Liquidity Coverage Ratio (31)
- [I3053] Encumbered assets [% of total assets] (31)
- [I3063] Unencumbered assets [% of total assets] (31)
- [I3211] Deposits from credit institutions and other financial corporations to total funding (31)
- [I3212] Deposits from non-financial corporations to total funding (31)
- [I3213] Deposits from households to total funding (31)
- [I3214] Net stable funding ratio (31)
- [I3641] Coverage ratio - debt securities (2)
- [I3643] Coverage ratio - off-balance sheet exposures (2)
- [I3644] Coverage ratio - other exposures (2)
- [I3645] Coverage ratio - total exposures (2)
- [I3647] Coverage ratio - loans and advances (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) (14)
- [I4001] Solvency ratio [%] (31)
- [I4002] Tier 1 ratio [%] (31)
- [I4008] Common equity Tier 1 ratio [%] (31)
- [I7000] Non-performing loans ratio (31)
- [I7005] Non-performing loans ratio (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) (124)
- [I7006] Non-performing loans ratio (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) - collateralised by immovable property (62)
- [I7007] Non-performing loans ratio (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) - credit for consumption (31)
- [I7008] Non-performing loans ratio (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits) - SME (31)
- [KFD32] Loan-to-deposit ratio for households and non-financial corporations (31)
- [KSV12] Leverage Ratio (fully phased-in definition of Tier 1) (31)
- [KSV13] Leverage Ratio (transitional definition of Tier 1) (31)
- [L1150] Deposits (balance sheet) (248)
- [L1250] Debt securities issued (balance sheet) (31)
- [L1450] Derivatives (financial liabilities) (31)
- [L1451] Derivatives (financial liabilities) - trading (31)
- [L3000] Provisions (31)
- [L6100] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding (31)
- [L6110] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Capital items and instruments (31)
- [L6120] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Retail deposits (31)
- [L6123] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Retail deposits - of which: maturity >= 1 year (31)
- [L6130] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Other non-financial customers (except central banks) (31)
- [L6140] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Operational deposits (31)
- [L6150] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Liabilities and committed facilities within a group or an IPS if subject to preferential treatment (31)
- [L6160] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Financial customers and central banks (31)
- [L6161] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Financial customers and central banks - of which: liabilities provided by the ECB or the central bank of a Member State (31)
- [L6170] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Liabilities provided where the counterparty cannot be determined (31)
- [L6180] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Independent liabilities (31)
- [L6190] Net stable funding ratio calculation - Available stable funding - Other liabilities (31)
- [L9600] Other liabilities (other than deposits, debt securities issued, derivatives and provisions) (31)
- [LE000] TOTAL EQUITY (31)
- [LE200] Accumulated other comprehensive income (31)
- [LE400] Retained earnings, revaluation reserves, fair value reserves and other reserves (31)
- [LE730] Minority interest (31)
- [MSV12] Total Leverage Ratio exposure - using a fully phased-in definition of Tier 1 capital (denominator of KSV12) (31)
- [MSV13] Total Leverage Ratio exposure - using a transitional definition of Tier 1 capital (denominator of KSV13) (31)
- [MSV31] Leverage ratio calculation - exposure values excluding deductions (31)
- [MSV33] Leverage ratio calculation - Other on-balance sheet items (31)
- [MSV34] Leverage ratio calculation - derivatives (fully phased-in definition) (31)
- [MSV35] Leverage ratio calculation - securities financing transactions (fully phased-in definition) (31)
- [MSV36] Leverage ratio calculation - off-balance sheet items (fully phased-in definition) (31)
- [MSV38] Leverage ratio calculation - asset amount deducted from Tier 1 capital (fully phased-in definition) (31)
- [MSV39] Leverage ratio calculation - asset amount deducted or added from Tier 1 capital (transitional definition) (31)
- [MSV40] Leverage ratio calculation - Regular-way purchases and sales awaiting settlement (31)
- [MSV41] Leverage ratio calculation - Cash pooling arrangements (31)
- [MSV42] Leverage ratio calculation - Deductions of exposures promoting public policy objectives (31)
- [NSV12] Tier 1 capital (fully phased-in definition) (numerator of KSV12) (31)
- [NSV13] Tier 1 capital (transitional) (numerator of KSV13) (31)
- [O0000] OWN FUNDS (31)
- [O1000] TIER 1 CAPITAL (31)
- [P0000] PROFIT OR (-) LOSS FOR THE YEAR (62)
- [P2100] Total operating income, net (62)
- [P2110] Net interest income (62)
- [P2130] Net fee and commission income (62)
- [P2135] Net trading (and investment) income (62)
- [P2144] Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net (62)
- [P2148] Exchange differences, net (62)
- [P2160] Other operating income, net (net total operating income minus net interest income, net fee and commission income, net trading (and investment) income, net gains/losses from hedge accounting, and net exchange differences) (62)
- [P2240] Administrative expenses and depreciation (62)
- [P2250] Income before impairment, provisions and taxes, net (62)
- [P2440] Impairment and provisions (62)
- [P2450] Other income, net (62)
- [P3300] Profit and loss before tax from continuing operations, discontinued operations, extraordinary profit or loss, net (62)
- [P3310] Tax expenses or income from continuing operations, discontinued operations, extraordinary tax expenses or income (62)
- [R0104] Number of supervised institutions at the highest level of consolidation within the Single Supervisory Mechanism - full sample (31)
- [R0105] Number of supervised institutions at the highest level of consolidation within the Single Supervisory Mechanism - liquidity sample (1)
Breakdown supervisory banking statistics (10)
- [AMC] Classification by business model - asset manager & custodian (220)
- [CSCB] Classification by business model-central savings and cooperative banks (220)
- [CWH] Classification by business model - corporate/wholesale lenders (220)
- [DEV] Classification by business model - development/promotional lenders (220)
- [DIV] Classification by business model - diversified lenders (220)
- [EML] Classification by business model-emerging markets lenders (220)
- [NC] Classification by business model - others/ not classified (220)
- [RCCL] Classification by business model - retail lenders and consumer credit lenders (220)
- [UNI] Classification by business model - universal and investment banks (220)
- [_T] Total (5013)
Data item 1 supervisory banking statistics (2)
- [LSI] Less significant institutions (6993)
- [SII] Significant institutions (13190)
Data item 2 supervisory banking statistics (1)
- [_Z] Not applicable (6993)
CBD exposure type (4)
- [ALL] All exposures (5363)
- [N_] Non-performing exposures (297)
- [P_] Performing exposures (22)
- [_Z] Not applicable (1311)
Data type (2)
- [LE] Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks (4792)
- [_Z] Not applicable (2201)
Balance sheet suffix (4)
- [E] Euro (5226)
- [LAF] Euro, linearly annualised flows (434)
- [PCT] Percentage (1169)
- [Z] Not applicable (164)
Supervisory banking statistics sample type (1)
- [C] Changing sample (6993)