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Medium-sized firms All sectors All turnover breakdowns included Created between 2 and 4 years ago All types of ownership, all export class... Q1. New developments in the firm A new or significantly improved product ... Total Including not applicable responses Unweighted number of responses
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Medium-sized firms All sectors All turnover breakdo... Created between 2 an... All types of ownersh... Q1. New developments... A new or significant... Total Including not applic... Unweighted number of...
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Pure number
Last updated: 28 Nov 2023 11:00 CET
Small and medium-sized enterprises All sectors All turnover breakdowns included All ages included All types of ownership, all export class... Q7B. Financing applied - outcome Bank loan Applied but was rejected Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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Small and medium-siz... All sectors All turnover breakdo... All ages included All types of ownersh... Q7B. Financing appli... Bank loan Applied but was reje... Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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More geographical areas
Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 8 Apr 2024 10:00 CEST
More geographical areas
Medium-sized firms All sectors All turnover breakdowns included All ages included All types of ownership, all export class... Q14. Loan purpose Land/buildings or Equipment/vehicles Do not know Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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Medium-sized firms All sectors All turnover breakdo... All ages included All types of ownersh... Q14. Loan purpose Land/buildings or Eq... Do not know Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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More geographical areas
Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 10 Nov 2014 15:00 CET
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Small and medium-sized enterprises Construction sector All turnover breakdowns included All ages included All types of ownership, all export class... Q23. External financing - expectations Leasing or hire-purchase Do not know Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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Small and medium-siz... Construction sector All turnover breakdo... All ages included All types of ownersh... Q23. External financ... Leasing or hire-purc... Do not know Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 8 Apr 2024 10:00 CEST
All firm sizes All sectors All turnover breakdowns included All ages included All types of ownership, all export class... Financing gap Total Excluding not applicable responses Weighted average
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All firm sizes All sectors All turnover breakdo... All ages included All types of ownersh... Financing gap Total Excluding not applic... Weighted average
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More geographical areas
Pure number
Last updated: 22 May 2024 15:22 CEST
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All firm sizes All sectors All turnover breakdowns included All ages included All types of ownership, all export class... Q2. Firm income generation indicators Turnover Net (increased minus decreased responses... Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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All firm sizes All sectors All turnover breakdo... All ages included All types of ownersh... Q2. Firm income gene... Turnover Net (increased minus... Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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More geographical areas
Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 8 Apr 2024 10:00 CEST
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Small and medium-sized enterprises All sectors All turnover breakdowns included Created 10 years ago or more All types of ownership, all export class... Q0b. Pressingness of problems that the f... Costs of production or labour Level 9 out of 10 Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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Small and medium-siz... All sectors All turnover breakdo... Created 10 years ago... All types of ownersh... Q0b. Pressingness of... Costs of production ... Level 9 out of 10 Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 8 Apr 2024 10:00 CEST
Small firms All sectors All turnover breakdowns included All ages included All types of ownership, all export class... Q14. Loan purpose Staff training Yes Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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Small firms All sectors All turnover breakdo... All ages included All types of ownersh... Q14. Loan purpose Staff training Yes Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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More geographical areas
Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 10 Nov 2014 15:00 CET
More geographical areas
Micro firms All sectors All turnover breakdowns included Do not know firm age/No answer All types of ownership, all export class... Q23. External financing - expectations Leasing or hire-purchase Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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Micro firms All sectors All turnover breakdo... Do not know firm age... All types of ownersh... Q23. External financ... Leasing or hire-purc... Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 8 Apr 2024 10:00 CEST
Micro firms Trade sector All turnover breakdowns included All ages included All types of ownership, all export class... Q5. External financing - needs Trade credit Decreased, deteriorated or will deterior... Including not applicable responses Weighted percentage of responses
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Micro firms Trade sector All turnover breakdo... All ages included All types of ownersh... Q5. External financi... Trade credit Decreased, deteriora... Including not applic... Weighted percentage ...
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Hundredth of Percent
Last updated: 8 Apr 2024 10:00 CEST