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Data presentation - Summary description

Employment and population have traditionally been considered auxiliary variables in national accounts, aimed to calculate ratios like value added, output, or labour costs per inhabitant or per employed person. Employment however has gained importance and nowadays it is an endogenous variable in the national accounts framework. Quarterly employment also stands now as a key short term economic indicator. National accounts, however, do not provide information on social or gender aspects of employment. The classical and most reliable source for this information is the Labour Force Survey .

The ESA 2010 distinguishes two employment concepts depending on the geographical coverage: resident persons in employment (i.e. the national scope of employment) and employment in resident production units irrespective of the place of residence of the employed person (i.e. domestic scope).

The ESA 2010 recognises several employment measures: persons, hours worked and jobs. Presented here are mainly employment data measured in persons and in hours worked.

These data were formerly available as part of the MNA (National Accounts Main Aggregates) data set but then they were moved to a new data set – ENA. While the first dimension of the series keys change to ENA, the remainder of the series keys remain unchanged.

Methodological information
Time period

Quarterly, Annual

Statistical concepts and definitions

For information about the naming convention (series key dimensions and metadata), refer to the ENA underlying DSD (NA_MAIN) maintained by the ESTAT.

Statistical processing
Data compilation

Quarterly estimates of employment include estimates for "Total employment", broken down by employment status (i.e. employees and self-employed), as well as a breakdown by economic activity (A*10 NACE Rev. 2 categories) for employment data expressed in "persons" and “hours worked”.

Detailed estimates of employment broken down by economic activity (A60 NACE Rev.2 categories) within the national accounts framework are available on an annual basis within the INA data set.

Data revision - policy

Euro area and EU employment figures for earlier quarters are revised.

Administrative Information

ENA - National accounts, Employment (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 0110, 0111) 

Data source



Employment data are published 75 days after the end of the reference quarter. Annual data published at 9 months after the end of the reference year, estimates may be available sooner.

Technical Information

Download the series catalogue containing a full list of series and associated metadata of the dataset ENA in CSV format (zipped)

Dataset last update
19 October 2023 02:04 CEST
Metadata last update
10 November 2022 11:04 CET