Last updated:
2 May 2023 10:00 CEST
Series key:
All banks
Non-interest income
Backward looking six months
Monetary Policy rates
Loan demand
Weighted avg frequency of 5 responses (c...
All banks
Non-interest income
Backward looking six...
Monetary Policy rate...
Loan demand
Weighted avg frequen...
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Modification of original data
Time series dimensions
- Frequency
- Quarterly [Q]
- (Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
- Reference area
- Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
- Bank selection
- All banks [ALL]
- Bank lending survey item
- Non-interest income [NNI]
- BLS contract counterpart
- Banks [B]
- BLS counterpart motivation
- Not applicable [Z]
- Time horizon
- Backward looking six months [B6]
- Effect domain
- Monetary Policy rates [MP]
- Market role
- Loan demand [D]
- BLS aggregation method
- Weighted avg frequency of 5 responses (considerably eased / strongly positive / participated / will participate) [WF5]
Data information
- Series key
- Last updated
- 2 May 2023 10:00 CEST
- Unit
- Percent
- Frequency
- Quarterly (Q)
- Reference area
- Euro area (changing composition) (U2)
- Collection indicator
- Beginning of period (B)
- Decimals
- Zero (0)
- Source
Related statistics
- Q143 Excess liquidity change - Impact
- Q120 Regulatory or supervisory actions
- Q121 Regulatory or supervisory actions
- Q141 ECB interest rates - Impact on bank profitability
- Q126 Level of credit standards
- Q127 TLTRO I and II - Participation/reasons
- Q142 Climate change - Impact
- Q128 TLTRO I and II - Use of funds
- Q129 TLTRO I and II - Impact
- Q130 APP - Impact on banks
- Q131 APP - Use of liquidity