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Calendar and seasonally adjusted data Value added, gross Construction Total economy Euro; ratio to gross domestic product Current prices Domestic (home or reference area) Total economy Balance (Credits minus Debits) Non transformed data
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Calendar and seasona... Value added, gross Construction Total economy Euro; ratio to gross... Current prices Domestic (home or re... Total economy Balance (Credits min... Non transformed data
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Euro; ratio to gross...
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 11:00 CEST
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Calendar and seasonally adjusted data Gross fixed capital formation Total - All activities Dwellings (gross) Total economy Euro; ratio to gross domestic product Current prices World (all entities, including reference... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Calendar and seasona... Gross fixed capital ... Total - All activiti... Dwellings (gross) Total economy Euro; ratio to gross... Current prices World (all entities,... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Euro; ratio to gross...
Last updated: 19 Jul 2024 11:00 CEST
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Vacancy rate Percentage
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Vacancy rate Percentage
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Last updated: 13 Sep 2018 10:31 CEST
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SHI.A.LU.HTRA.A, Luxembourg, Annual

Number of housing transactions Absolute value
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Number of housing tr... Absolute value
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Thousands - Unit des...
Last updated: 25 Jul 2018 09:43 CEST
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Seasonally adjusted data, not calendar a... Value added, gross Construction Total economy Euro; ratio to gross domestic product Current prices Domestic (home or reference area) Total economy Balance (Credits minus Debits) Non transformed data
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Seasonally adjusted ... Value added, gross Construction Total economy Euro; ratio to gross... Current prices Domestic (home or re... Total economy Balance (Credits min... Non transformed data
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Euro; ratio to gross...
Last updated: 5 Mar 2021 14:32 CET
Seasonally adjusted data, not calendar a... Gross fixed capital formation Total - All activities Dwellings (gross) Total economy Euro; ratio to gross domestic product Current prices World (all entities, including reference... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Seasonally adjusted ... Gross fixed capital ... Total - All activiti... Dwellings (gross) Total economy Euro; ratio to gross... Current prices World (all entities,... Total economy Debit (Uses) Non transformed data
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Euro; ratio to gross...
Last updated: 8 Dec 2017 10:45 CET
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Building Permits / dwellings All Residential Buildings excluding resi... Seasonally adjusted, not working day adj... unspecified Eurostat
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Building Permits / d... All Residential Buil... Seasonally adjusted,... unspecified Eurostat
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Last updated: 6 Nov 2015 11:20 CET
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