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All banks Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted net percentage (tightened minus...
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All banks Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted net percent...
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Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Household Loans for house purchase Forward looking three months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted net percentage (tightened minus...
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All banks Household Loans for house purc... Forward looking thre... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted net percent...
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Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Overall Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Credit terms and conditions Loan supply Weighted net percentage (tightened minus...
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All banks Overall Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Credit terms and con... Loan supply Weighted net percent...
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Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Pressure from competition Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Margins on riskier loans Loan supply Number of numeric responses in range fro...
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All banks Pressure from compet... Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Margins on riskier l... Loan supply Number of numeric re...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Impact of ability to access market finan... Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Margins on riskier loans Loan supply Weighted average
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All banks Impact of ability to... Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Margins on riskier l... Loan supply Weighted average
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Impact of capital position Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Margins on average loans Loan supply Weighted diffusion index based on the sh...
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All banks Impact of capital po... Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Margins on average l... Loan supply Weighted diffusion i...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Impact of general economic activity Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Credit standards Loan supply Number of factor not applicable response...
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All banks Impact of general ec... Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Credit standards Loan supply Number of factor not...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Impact of creditworthiness of borrower Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted diffusion index based on the sh...
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All banks Impact of creditwort... Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted diffusion i...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Impact of non-bank competition Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted average
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All banks Impact of non-bank c... Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted average
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST
All banks Perception of risk Household Loans for house purchase Backward looking three months Credit terms and conditions Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 3 responses (b...
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All banks Perception of risk Household Loans for house purc... Backward looking thr... Credit terms and con... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 16 Jul 2024 10:00 CEST