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Concepts 0
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Expenditure (1)
Government fice (1)
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 (1)
Government finance statistics (ECB and Eurostat) (GFS) (1)
Quarterly (1)
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World (all entities, including reference...General governmentTotal economyDebit (Uses)Total government expenditureDomestic currency (incl. conversion to c...Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar...TotalPartially consolidated or aggregate cont...Standard valuation based on SNA/ESACurrent pricesCumulated sum, over 1 yearTotal
Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted [N]
Reference area
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 [I9]
Counterpart area
World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) [W0]
Reference sector
General government [S13]
Counterpart sector
Total economy [S1]
Consolidation Status
Partially consolidated or aggregate containing both consolidated and non-consolidated items [P]
Accounting entries
Debit (Uses) [D]
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
Total government expenditure [OTE]
Instrument and assets classification
Not applicable [_Z]
Not applicable [_Z]
Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI)
Total [_T]
Unit of measure
Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to the annual moving sum of gross domestic product [XDC_R_B1GQ_CY]