Financial markets and interest rates ECB/Eurosystem policy and exchange rates Money, credit and banking Financial corporations Financial markets and interest rates Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics Balance of payments and other external statistics Payments statistics Browse reports Bank interest rates Loans to euro area non-financial corporations Loans to euro area households Deposits from euro area residents Outstanding amounts loans to, and deposits from, euro area residents Securities Issuances Debt securities by issuer sector Debt securities by data type Listed shares by issuer sector Listed shares by data type Holdings Debt securities by holder sector Listed shares by holder sector Money market fund shares by holder sector Non-MMF investment fund shares by holder sector STEP Yields on new issues by original time to maturity Spread between the ESTR and the yield on new issues by original time to maturity Amounts outstanding by residual time to maturity Amounts outstanding by currency New issues by original time to maturity Euro area yield curves Euro area yield curves Euro money market Money market interest rates Stock market indices Stock market indices Browse reports Yields on new issues by original time to maturity Show Data