The structural financial indicators are a comprehensive dataset reporting structural features of the banking industry in every country of the European Union. Data are reported at national level by all EU countries and comprise aggregated statistics on the number, employees and total assets of all credit institutions, their branches and their subsidiaries. Also data on the share of foreign-controlled institutions in the national banking markets of the EU and insurance corporations and pension funds is available. Counterparts are split by geographic area (domestic, other EA member states, other EU member states, other EEA countries, extra EEA, all areas other than EU and domestic country). Data is available as of 1997 on an annual basis and generally published by the ECB in July of the subsequent year.
Comprehensive dataset of annual structural financial indicators for the banking sector in the European Union (EU). It comprises statistics on the number of branches and employees of EU credit institutions (CIs), as well as data on the degree of concentration of the banking sector in each EU Member State, and data on the share of foreign-controlled institutions in the national banking markets of the EU.
The SSI statistics currently contain balance sheet items (reported in EUR or national currencies) as well as indicators of industrial configuration.
For further information on the structural financial indicators, please access the documentation below:
Dataset | Bulk download | Calendar |
SSI - Banking structural statistical indicators | SDMX2.1CSV | Release Calendar |