Securities trading, clearing and settlement statistics provide information on the different types of pre- and post-trade infrastructures/systems for structural analysis, for oversight and research purposes.
The Securities clearing statistics cover the activities of centralised clearing counterparties (CCPs). This dataset provides information on clearing members as well as the number and value of different types of contracts cleared.
Number of participants/clearing members refers to the participants in CCP operations. Clearing members are broken down into central banks, CCPs, credit institutions, and other (residual). The number of clearing members refers to the last day of the year.
Detailed documentation can be found on the ECB website
The Securities trading statistics cover the trading of debt, equity and other tradable securities on stock exchanges.
This dataset contains information on the number of participants, listed securities and executed trades. In addition, the market capitalisation and value of executed trades are available.
A participant in a securities exchange is a legal entity that can submit (buy and sell) orders to the exchange on its own behalf or on behalf of its customers. Domestic participants are those located in the same country as the securities exchange.
Market capitalisation of listed companies is the total market value of a company, i.e. the total number of a company’s shares outstanding multiplied by the current market price per share.
In securities trading statistics each executed trade is counted once, regardless of whether the transaction has been executed on an order-driven or quote-driven system. Unsecured derivatives transactions and repo transactions are not included.
Detailed documentation can be found on the ECB website
The Securities settlement statistics cover the activity of central securities depositories (CSDs). This dataset provides information on direct participants in CSDs and also on the number and value of securities held on accounts as well as on delivery instructions.
Detailed documentation can be found on the ECB website