The data refer to the assets and liabilities of pension funds and its members.

ICPF - This dataset presents statistics on the assets and liabilities of euro area insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs) (as defined in ESA 95). National Central Banks (NCBs) provide data on a "best effort" basis, as they are not legally obliged to report by any Regulation (short-term approach). These statistics are available as from the first quarter of 2008.

PFB - This dataset presents statistics on the assets and liabilities of euro area pension funds as defined in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). National Central Banks (NCBs) provide data on a "best effort" basis, as they are not legally obliged to report by any Regulation (short-term approach).

PFBR -  This dataset presents harmonised statistics on the assets and liabilities of pension funds (PFs) resident in the euro area. These statistics are available as from the first quarter of 2020.

PFBM - This dataset presents harmonised statistics on the members of pension funds (PFs) resident in the euro area. These statistics are available as of 2019. 

These statistics refer to the assets and liabilities of euro area insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs), covering both outstanding amounts and transactions for selected key series on insurance technical reserves. In general, the statistics refer to non-consolidated data, based on the host-approach and at market value (with the exception of deposits and loans, which are at nominal value).

This dataset presents statistics on the assets and liabilities of euro area insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs) (as defined in ESA 95). National Central Banks (NCBs) provide data on a "best effort" basis, as they are not legally obliged to report by any Regulation (short-term approach). These statistics are available as from the first quarter of 2008.

These statistics refer to the assets and liabilities of euro area pension funds (PFs) and the data currently cover end-of-quarter outstanding amounts and selected financial transactions.

This dataset presents statistics on the assets and liabilities of pension funds (PFs) which belong to the sector “pension funds (PFs)” in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). These statistics replace the non-harmonised euro area pension funds statistics that have been published by the ECB in the context of euro area insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPF) and data are available as of Q1 2016. The new pension funds statistics differ from the previously published statistics in terms of completeness and level of detail - a direct comparison of the new and old statistics is therefore not always possible. The previously published ICPF statistics are also available in the Statistical Data Warehouse for the reference periods Q1 2008 to Q2 2016.

PFs resident in the territory of a euro area Member State  form the reference reporting population

These statistics refer to the number of members in pension funds (PFs). The data are reported annually.

This dataset presents statistics collected under the new Regulation ECB/2018/2 on pension funds (PFs) which belong to the sector “pension funds (PFs)” in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and data are available by type of members (active, deferred, retired and total). 

An active member is a pension scheme member who is making contributions (and/or on behalf of whom contributions are being made) and is accumulating assets or has accrued assets in the past and is not yet retired. A deferred member is a pension scheme member who no longer contributes to or accrues benefits from the scheme but has not yet begun to receive retirement benefits from that scheme. A retired member is a pension scheme member who no longer contributes to or accrues benefits from the scheme and has begun to receive retirement benefits from that scheme.

Members can have accrued multiple pension rights with multiple pension funds. For example, an individual can be registered as active member in one pension fund, as a deferred member in another and receiving pension benefits from another pension fund. In that case, they will also be counted multiple times in the data.

PFs resident in the territory of a euro area Member State form the reference reporting population

These statistics refer to the assets and liabilities of euro area pension funds (PFs) and the data currently cover end-of-quarter outstanding amounts, financial transactions and adjustments.

This dataset presents statistics collected under the new Regulation ECB/2018/2 on assets and liabilities of pension funds (PFs) which belong to the sector “pension funds (PFs)” in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010).

The Regulation will remedy the shortcomings of the non-harmonised and incomplete quarterly statistics on pension funds collected so far, in particular the limited dissemination of transaction data due to insufficient data quality. The enhanced statistics will thus better support monetary and financial analyses, and contribute to the euro area financial accounts.

The previously published ICPF statistics are also available in the Statistical Data Warehouse for the reference periods Q1 2008 to Q2 2016, while PFs data collected under Guideline ECB/2014/15 are available from Q3 2016 to Q4 2019.

PFs resident in the territory of a euro area Member State  form the reference reporting population


For further information on pension funds statistics, please access the documentation below:

Guideline ECB/2021/12 on financial intermediaries other than monetary financial institutions

Regulation ECB/2018/2

PF compilation guide

Unofficial reporting templates for pension funds – ECB add-ons

Instructions for ECB add-ons

  • Euro area aggregated series of pension funds have been adjusted with the publication of 21Q3 data on 22 December 2021 to include the balance sheets of French pension funds. The euro area series have been adjusted as of ref. period 19Q3 for outstanding amounts and as of ref. period 20Q1 for financial transactions and reclassification & revaluation adjustments.