Statistics on EU population of MFIs

MFI - Statistics on EU population of MFIs - number at end-month covering: (1) demographic changes (new/deleted MFIs) (2) attribute changes (modifications to locational characteristics) (3) foreign status data (branches).

EU MFI population statistics (based on List of MFIs)

Statistics on EU population of MFIs - number at end-month covering: (1) demographic changes (new/deleted MFIs) (2) attribute changes (modifications to locational characteristics) (3) foreign status data (branches)

Note: The Number of MFIs at the end of the month are reported in the tables with data type "Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stock)". The Demographic changes (new/closed/deleted MFIs) are reported in tables with data type "Financial transactions (flows)".

EU Monetary Financial Institutions

More about data
Dataset Bulk download Calendar
MFI - List of MFIs SDMX2.1CSV