The data refer to the assets and liabilities of investment funds. In addition to outstanding amounts, transactions data are also available. Investment funds are distinguished by investment policy (equity funds, bond funds, mixed funds, real estate funds, hedge funds, other funds) and by type of fund (open-end or closed-end). Money market funds and pension funds are not covered in these data (dedicated statistics are available).

IVF -  This dataset presents harmonised statistics on the assets and liabilities of investment funds (IFs) resident in the euro area which belong to the sub-sector “Financial corporations except monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs)” in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). Several EU non-euro area countries also provide data about IFs resident in their country on a voluntary basis, despite not legally obliged to report. IFs are distinguished by investment policy (equity funds, bond funds, mixed funds, real estate funds, hedge funds, other funds) and by type of fund (open-end or closed-end). Money market funds and pension funds are not covered in these data (dedicated statistics are available).

These statistics refer to the assets and liabilities of euro area investment funds, covering both outstanding amounts and transactions.

This dataset presents harmonised statistics on the assets and liabilities of investment funds (IFs) which belong to the sub-sector “Financial corporations except monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs)” in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). IFs are distinguished by investment policy (equity funds, bond funds, mixed funds, real estate funds, hedge funds, other funds) and by type of fund (open-end or closed-end). In addition, data on exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are available. Money market funds and pension funds are not covered in these data (dedicated statistics are available).

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