Statistics on insurance corporations includes information related to their balance sheets (ICB and the discontinued ICPF dataset) and data on premiums written, claims incurred and acquisition expenses (ICO dataset). The information for the ICB and the ICO datasets are available by type of insurance (reinsurance, life, non-life, and composite insurance corporations).
Data on ICs also include risk indicators collected from 93 EEA insurance groups that report under the Solvency II regime (LIG - large insurance groups). Aggregated data are available by types of businesses (life business, non-life business, total business).
ICB - This dataset presents harmonised statistics on the assets and liabilities of euro area insurance corporations. The data are available for the following four subcategories of insurance corporation: (1) reinsurance insurance corporations, (2) life insurance corporations, (3) non-life insurance corporations and (4) composite insurance corporations.
ICO - This dataset presents harmonised statistics on premiums written, claims incurred and acquisition expenses of euro area insurance corporations. The data are available for the following four subcategories of insurance corporation: (1) reinsurance insurance corporations, (2) life insurance corporations, (3) non-life insurance corporations and (4) composite insurance corporations.
National central banks (NCBs) can derive the necessary statistical information, to the extent possible, from data reported for supervisory purposes under the EU’s Solvency II framework.
ICPF – This discontinued dataset presents statistics on the assets and liabilities of euro area insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs) (as defined in ESA 95). National Central Banks (NCBs) provide data on a "best effort" basis, as they are not legally obliged to report by any Regulation (short-term approach). These statistics are available as from the first quarter of 2008 until the second quarter of 2016.
LIG – This dataset presents risk indicators collected from 93 EEA insurance groups that report under the Solvency II regime (LIG - large insurance groups). Aggregated data are available by types of businesses (life business, non-life business, total business).
ICB statistics refer to the assets and liabilities insurance corporations resident in the euro area, covering both outstanding amounts and transactions.
ICs are divided into:
(i) reinsurance corporations
(ii) life insurance corporations
(iii) non-life insurance corporations
(iv) composite insurance corporations
ICs resident in the territory of a euro area Member State form the reference reporting population.
NCBs are entitled to exempt ICs from statistical reporting requirements in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation ECB/2014/50.
ICO statistics refer to premiums written, claims incurred and acquisition expenses of insurance corporations resident in the euro area.
ICs are divided into:
(i) reinsurance corporations
(ii) life insurance corporations
(iii) non-life insurance corporations
(iv) composite insurance corporations
Cs resident in the territory of a euro area Member State form the reference reporting population.
NCBs are entitled to exempt ICs from statistical reporting requirements in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation ECB/2014/50.
These statistics refer to the assets and liabilities of euro area insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs), covering both outstanding amounts and transactions for selected key series on insurance technical reserves. In general, the statistics refer to non-consolidated data, based on the host-approach and at market value (with the exception of deposits and loans, which are at nominal value).
This dataset presents statistics on the assets and liabilities of euro area insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs) (as defined in ESA 95). National Central Banks (NCBs) provide data on a "best effort" basis, as they are not legally obliged to report by any Regulation (short-term approach). These statistics are available as from the first quarter of 2008.
Financial stability reporting data collected from 93 EEA insurance groups reporting under the Solvency II regime. For more information please see EIOPA’s website
Aggregated data are available for the following types of businesses:
(i) life business;
(ii) non-life business;
(iii) total business.
The number of large insurance groups underlying each indicator is collected in dedicated time series: LIG.H.V3.^.^^^.NR.Q .
For example, the sample size corresponding to indicator LIG.H.V3.T.A00.TO.E “Total business – Gross premium written (absolute amounts)” is stored in the series LIG.H.V3.T.A00.NR.Q.
For further information on insurance corporations statistics, please access the documentation below:
Regulation ECB/2014/50 on statistical reporting requirements for insurance corporations
Information on Solvency II reporting on the EIOPA website
Guideline ECB/2021/12 on financial intermediaries other than monetary financial institutions