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Concepts 0
Geographical areas 1
Datasets 0
Frequency 0
Surveys (399072)
Survey of professional forecasters (318069)
Inflation (110722)
Unemployment (106803)
GDP (89536)
Survey on the access to finance of enterprises (79854)
Financial corporations (21700)
Funds (20342)
Investment funds (20247)
By investment policy (17106)
Assumptions (11008)
Closed-end funds (5433)
Open-end funds (5433)
Securities (3073)
Bond funds (2851)
Equity funds (2851)
Hedge funds (2851)
Mixed funds (2851)
Real estate funds (2851)
Debt securities (2800)
Securities issues (2414)
Loans (2340)
Debt (2198)
Bonds (2181)
Government bond (2170)
Government bond yield curves (2165)
Issuer (2165)
Nominal (2165)
Yield curves (2165)
Assets (1860)
Non-UCITS funds (1793)
UCITS funds (1793)
HICP (1789)
Deposits (1591)
Financial Vehicle Corporations (FVCs) (1542)
Interest rates (1521)
Bank interest rates (1505)
Ad-hoc (1149)
Bank lending survey (1149)
Rating A+ (1085)
Rating (1080)
Agreed maturity (834)
Maturity (834)
Liabilities (817)
Growth rates (752)
Individual consumption (736)
Payment services (675)
Payment systems (675)
Payments (675)
Retail (675)
Monetary aggregates (576)
Goods (482)
Services (480)
Deposit liabilities (404)
M3 (400)
Bennet chain indices (384)
Lending (370)
Outstanding amounts (361)
Gross issues (338)
Net issues (338)
Redemptions (338)
Regulatory or supervisory actions (324)
Growth rate indices (310)
Banknotes (285)
Coins (285)
Food (258)
Transactions (252)
Listed shares (240)
Banks (237)
App - impact on banks (234)
Deposit facility rate & two-tier system (234)
Overnight deposits (231)
Shares (231)
MFI assets (225)
Repurchase agreements (212)
Equipments (196)
Purchases (196)
Credit institutions (193)
Money market funds (193)
Accumulated changes (192)
Interest rate component (192)
Weight component (192)
Cross-country variation (188)
House purchase (188)
Units (183)
Equity (180)
Consumption (167)
Funding (163)
Exchange-traded funds (162)
Business volumes (152)
M2 (144)
Credit (140)
Transport (128)
App - impact on lending (108)
Non-MMF investment fund (108)
Beverages (104)
Appliances (97)
All counterparts combined (93)
All currencies combined (93)
All maturities combined (93)
Assets and liabilities of euro area investment funds (other than money market funds) (93)
Euro area (93)
Fund (93)
Other than money market funds (93)
Repairs (93)
Terminal (92)
Credit standards (89)
Adjusted loans (88)
Balance sheet (86)
Products (85)
Euro (79)
M1 (79)
Market data (76)
World not allocated (geographically) (75)
Transport services (73)
Dwellings (72)
Alcoholic beverages (67)
Recreational (61)
All-items (60)
Index (59)
Maintenance (59)
Personal transport (59)
Net flows (55)
Household appliances (54)
Recreation (54)
Clothing (51)
Total investment funds (51)
Gardens (48)
Investment fund shares/units (48)
Flows (47)
Items (45)
Telephones (45)
Durables (43)
Settlement media (43)
Fuels (42)
MFI liabilities (41)
Accessories (40)
Macroprudential (40)
Non-alcoholic beverages (40)
Personal care (40)
Financial integration (39)
Indicators (39)
MMFs (39)
Payment card (38)
Equity markets (36)
Overdrafts (36)
Personal effects (36)
Revolving loans (36)
Telefax (36)
Consolidated (35)
Consolidated statement (35)
Tobacco (35)
Insurance (34)
Capital (33)
Passenger transport (33)
Recreational items (33)
Reserves (33)
Furnishing (32)
Notional cash-pooling (32)
Non-MFIs (31)
Processing equipment (31)
Settlement media used by Non-MFIs (31)
Books (30)
External assets (30)
Furniture (30)
Photographic (29)
Remaining assets (29)
Remaining liabilities (29)
Textiles (29)
Tools (29)
Cultural (28)
Cultural services (28)
Recreational services (28)
Vehicles (28)
Culture (27)
Market funds (27)
Money (27)
Rentals (26)
Financial institutions (25)
Gas (25)
Hire (25)
Medical products (25)
Administered prices (24)
Devices (24)
Footwear (24)
Household furniture (24)
Industrial goods (24)
Money market (24)
Actual rentals (23)
Annual growth rate (23)
Audio-visual (23)
Financial transactions (flows) (23)
Growth rate (23)
Housing (23)
Index of Notional Stocks (23)
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) (23)
Social protection (23)
Statistical balance sheet (23)
Stocks (23)
Water (23)
Accomodation services (22)
Electricity (22)
Financial derivatives (22)
Pets (22)
External liabilities (21)
Floor coverings (21)
Newspapers (21)
Transferable deposits (21)
Euro area FVCs (20)
Extended credit (20)
Houses (20)
Medical appliances (20)
Vegetables (20)
Derivatives (19)
Holidays (19)
Household textiles (19)
Household utensils (19)
Monetary aggregate M3 (19)
Operation (19)
Recording (19)
Utensils (19)
Articles (18)
Currency (18)
Energy (18)
Intra-group positions (18)
Pre-primary education (18)
Primary education (18)
Beer (17)
Drinks (17)
Fish (17)
Fruit (17)
Health (17)
Milk (17)
Wine (17)
Carpets (16)
Extended credit card debt (16)
Financial services (16)
Glassware (16)
Tableware (16)
Total assets (16)
Total liabilities (16)
Education (15)
Financial market (15)
Non-financial assets (15)
Postal services (15)
Syndicated loans (15)
Cars (14)
Cereal (14)
Cleaning (14)
Derecognised loans (14)
Economic indicator (14)
Electric (14)
Garments (14)
Key interest rate (14)
Loan transfers (14)
Meat (14)
Media (14)
Medical equipment (14)
Monetary aggregate M1 (14)
Motor (14)
Official interest rates (14)
Prices (14)
Reception (14)
Recording media (14)
Reproduction (14)
Securitisations (14)
Sound (14)
Sports (14)
Therapeutic appliances (14)
Household maintenance (13)
Liquidity (13)
Minimum reserves (13)
Monetary aggregate M2 (13)
Package holidays (13)
Restaurants (13)
Seasonally adjusted (13)
Cash (12)
Electrical appliances (12)
Lubricants (12)
Secondary education (12)
Settlement media used by credit institutions (12)
Solid fuels (12)
Camping (11)
Clocks (11)
Domestic services (11)
Drawing materials (11)
Games (11)
Information processing equipment (11)
Jewellery (11)
Musical instruments (11)
Non-FVC (11)
Oil (11)
Open-air recreation (11)
Paramedical services (11)
Soft drinks (11)
Sporting services (11)
Stationery (11)
Sugar (11)
Unprocessed food (11)
Watches (11)
Central government (10)
Communication (10)
ECB (10)
Estimate (10)
Estimated MFI loans (10)
Holdings (10)
Hospital (10)
Hospital services (10)
Materials (10)
National contributions (10)
Processed food (10)
Residential real estate (10)
Structural financial indicators (10)
Water supply (10)
Accommodation (9)
Borrowing indicators (9)
Capital guarantee (9)
Equity (9)
Euro area (changing composition) (9)
Extra Euro area (9)
Fees (9)
Heat energy (9)
Liquid fuels (9)
Men (9)
Mortgage loan features (9)
Non-mmf investment fund (9)
Overall index (9)
Personal services (9)
Recreation services (9)
Seafood (9)
Shares and other equity (9)
Shares and other equity o/w Investment fund and money marekt fund shares/units (9)
Women (9)
Bicycles (8)
Bread (8)
Cafes (8)
Cheese (8)
Chocolate (8)
Cinematographic (8)
Cocoa (8)
Coffee (8)
Eggs (8)
Fats (8)
Flowers (8)
Food products (8)
Fruit juice (8)
Gross issues (flows) (8)
Hobbies (8)
Honey (8)
Hotels (8)
Household (8)
Household services (8)
Issuances (8)
Jam (8)
Medical services (8)
Mineral water (8)
Net issues (flows) (8)
Periodicals (8)
Picture (8)
Plants (8)
Printed matter (8)
Redemptions (flows) (8)
Sea (8)
Seasonal food (8)
Spare parts (8)
Spirits (8)
Stationery materials (8)
Tea (8)
Toys (8)
Vegetable juices (8)
Veterinary (8)
Waterway (8)
Lending indicators (7)
Reserve maintenance (7)
TLTRO III - participation/reasons (7)
Accruals (6)
Animal drawn vehicles (6)
Bank credit indicators (6)
Benchmark bond (6)
Bond (6)
Capital markets (6)
Children (6)
Convenience credit (6)
Electronic money (6)
Exchange-traded (6)
Flights (6)
Fresh milk (6)
Garages (6)
Hairdressing (6)
Hedge (6)
Indoor recreation (6)
Infants (6)
Information (6)
Licences (6)
Linen (6)
Mixed (6)
Other funds (6)
Other funds (other than equity, bond, mixed, real estate, hedge funds) (6)