Last updated:
22 June 2023 09:44 CEST
Series key:
Share of liquid assets in short term lia...
All currencies combined
Based on BSI data
Share of liquid asse...
All currencies combi...
Based on BSI data
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Modification of original data
Time series dimensions
- Frequency
- Quarterly [Q]
- (Modified), Quarterly (Original) [Q]
- Reference area
- Denmark [DK]
- Derived data economic concept
- Share of liquid assets in short term liabilities [LA1STL]
- Currency of transaction
- All currencies combined [Z01]
- Raw statistical data source
- Based on BSI data [BSI]
- Derived data suffix
- Not applicable [Z]
Data information
- Series key
- Last updated
- 22 June 2023 09:44 CEST
- Unit
- Percent
- Frequency
- Quarterly (Q)
- Reference area
- Denmark (DK)
- Collection indicator
- End of period (E)
- Decimals
- Four (4)
- Source