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World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... All institutions Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Common equity Tier 1 ratio [%] Percent
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... All institutions Full sample (All ban... Common equity Tier 1... Percent
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Last updated: 14 Jun 2024 02:44 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand alone ... All institutions Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Tier 1 ratio [%] Percent
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... All institutions Full sample (All ban... Tier 1 ratio [%] Percent
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Last updated: 13 Jun 2024 15:00 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Foreign (EU and non-EU) controlled subsi... All institutions Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Common equity Tier 1 ratio [%] Percent
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World (all entities,... Foreign (EU and non-... All institutions Full sample (All ban... Common equity Tier 1... Percent
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Last updated: 13 Jun 2024 15:00 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... Medium-size institution Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Tier 1 ratio [%] Percent
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... Medium-size institut... Full sample (All ban... Tier 1 ratio [%] Percent
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More geographical areas
Last updated: 13 Jun 2024 15:00 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... Medium-size institution Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Risk weighted exposure amounts for credi... Not specified All exposures Total risk exposure amount (Risk weighte... Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks All currencies Euro
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... Medium-size institut... Full sample (All ban... Risk weighted exposu... Not specified All exposures Total risk exposure ... Closing balance shee... All currencies Euro
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Thousands of Euro
Last updated: 13 Jun 2024 15:00 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... Small institution Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Number of institutions - Solvency ratio ... Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Pure number
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... Small institution Full sample (All ban... Number of institutio... Closing balance shee... Pure number
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Pure number
Last updated: 13 Jun 2024 15:00 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... Medium-size institution Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Risk weighted exposure amounts for other... Not specified All exposures Total risk exposure amount (Risk weighte... Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks All currencies Euro
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... Medium-size institut... Full sample (All ban... Risk weighted exposu... Not specified All exposures Total risk exposure ... Closing balance shee... All currencies Euro
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Thousands of Euro
Last updated: 14 Jun 2024 02:44 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... All institutions Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... TIER 1 CAPITAL Not specified All exposures Computable amount Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks All currencies Euro
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... All institutions Full sample (All ban... TIER 1 CAPITAL Not specified All exposures Computable amount Closing balance shee... All currencies Euro
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Thousands of Euro
Last updated: 14 Jun 2024 02:44 CEST
World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... Small institution Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Solvency ratio [%] Percent
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... Small institution Full sample (All ban... Solvency ratio [%] Percent
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More geographical areas
Last updated: 14 Jun 2024 02:44 CEST
More geographical areas
World (all entities, including reference... Domestic banking groups and stand-alone ... All institutions Full sample (All banking groups / stand-... Number of institutions - Solvency ratio ... Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Pure number
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World (all entities,... Domestic banking gro... All institutions Full sample (All ban... Number of institutio... Closing balance shee... Pure number
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Pure number
Last updated: 14 Jun 2024 02:44 CEST