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Item Concept description concept Code List Usage in the portal
1. Dimension Frequency FREQ CL_FREQ
2. Dimension Reference area REF_AREA CL_AREA
3. Dimension Counterpart area COUNT_AREA CL_AREA
4. Dimension Payment transaction type TYP_TRNSCTN CL_TYP_TRNSCTN
5. Dimension Role in transaction RL_TRNSCTN CL_RL_TRNSCTN
6. Dimension Initiation channel INTTN_CHNNL CL_INTTN_CHNNL
7. Dimension Remote or non-remote initiation RMT_INTTN CL_RMT_INTTN
8. Dimension Strong Customer Authentication SCA CL_SCA
9. Dimension Fraud type FRD_TYP CL_FRD_TYP
11. Dimension Unit of measure UNIT_MEASURE CL_UNIT

Observation-level attributes

Item Concept description concept Code List Usage in the portal
Observation-level attributes Observation value OBS_VALUE
Observation-level attributes Observation status OBS_STATUS CL_OBS_STATUS
Observation-level attributes Confidentiality status CONF_STATUS CL_CONF_STATUS
Observation-level attributes Pre-break value PRE_BREAK_VALUE
Observation-level attributes Comments to the observation value COMMENT_OBS

Time Series-level attributes

Item Concept description concept Code List Usage in the portal
Time Series-level attributes Breaks BREAKS
Time Series-level attributes Series comment including brief description of the underlying statistic COMMENT_TS
Time Series-level attributes Compiling organisation COMPILING_ORG CL_ORGANISATION
Time Series-level attributes Data dissemination organisation DISS_ORG CL_ORGANISATION
Time Series-level attributes Time period collection TIME_PER_COLLECT CL_TIME_COLLECT

Sibling-level attributes

Item Concept description concept Code List Usage in the portal
Sibling-level attributes Coverage COVERAGE
Sibling-level attributes Underlying compilation DATA_COMP
Sibling-level attributes Decimals DECIMALS CL_DECIMALS
Sibling-level attributes Methodology reference METHOD_REF
Sibling-level attributes Title TITLE
Sibling-level attributes Title complement TITLE_COMPL
Sibling-level attributes Unit UNIT CL_UNIT
Sibling-level attributes Unit multiplier UNIT_MULT CL_UNIT_MULT