The PCN dataset currently contains information on card functions.
National data are collected and compiled by EU NCBs
Annual data since 2000 to ongoing (annual frequency not available for all series)
Semi-annual data since 2022 to ongoing
For information about the naming convention (series key dimensions and metadata), refer to the PCN underlying DSD (ECB_PAY11) maintained by the ECB.
Pure number, EUR (euro area Member States) and domestic currencies (non-euro area Member States)
Structured Feedback Reports and confirmation of data by NCBs
Revisions to historical data are transmitted alongside data reported for the latest reference period
PCN – Number of cards issued by resident PSPs by card function
National Central Banks in the European Union
DG-S Financial Statistics (MOE/FINS)
Logical and plausibility checking
Data are published 7 months after the reference period for semi-annual data.
The reporting requirements were laid down in the:
Regulation ECB/2020/59 amending Regulation ECB 2013/43 on payment statistics
Guideline ECB/2021/13 on reporting requirements on payments statistics
Download the series catalogue containing a full list of series and associated metadata of the dataset PCN in CSV format (zipped)