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Frequency (3)

  • [A] Annual (64536)
  • [H] Half-yearly (10593)
  • [Q] Quarterly (827)

Reference area (29)

  • [AT] Austria (2726)
  • [B0] EU (Member States and Institutions of the European Union) changing composition (133)
  • [BE] Belgium (2648)
  • [BG] Bulgaria (896)
  • [CY] Cyprus (2645)
  • [CZ] Czech Republic (2543)
  • [DE] Germany (2674)
  • [DK] Denmark (1042)
  • [EE] Estonia (2738)
  • [ES] Spain (2618)
  • [FI] Finland (2670)
  • [FR] France (2751)
  • [GR] Greece (2737)
  • [HR] Croatia (799)
  • [HU] Hungary (2631)
  • [IE] Ireland (2410)
  • [IT] Italy (2730)
  • [LT] Lithuania (2632)
  • [LU] Luxembourg (2739)
  • [LV] Latvia (2614)
  • [MT] Malta (2621)
  • [NL] Netherlands (2867)
  • [PL] Poland (2614)
  • [PT] Portugal (2744)
  • [RO] Romania (2567)
  • [SE] Sweden (122)
  • [SI] Slovenia (2744)
  • [SK] Slovakia (2747)
  • [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition (134)

Counterpart area (33)

  • [AT] Austria (1)
  • [BE] Belgium (1)
  • [BG] Bulgaria (1)
  • [CY] Cyprus (1)
  • [CZ] Czech Republic (1)
  • [DE] Germany (1)
  • [DK] Denmark (1)
  • [EE] Estonia (1)
  • [ES] Spain (1)
  • [FI] Finland (1)
  • [FR] France (1)
  • [G1] Extra EEA (1)
  • [G3] Other EEA countries (all countries excluding the reference area) (1)
  • [GR] Greece (1)
  • [HR] Croatia (1)
  • [HU] Hungary (1)
  • [IE] Ireland (1)
  • [IS] Iceland (1)
  • [IT] Italy (1)
  • [LT] Lithuania (1)
  • [LV] Latvia (1)
  • [MT] Malta (1)
  • [NL] Netherlands (1)
  • [NO] Norway (1)
  • [PL] Poland (1)
  • [PT] Portugal (1)
  • [RO] Romania (1)
  • [SE] Sweden (1)
  • [SI] Slovenia (1)
  • [SK] Slovakia (1)
  • [W0] World (all entities, including reference area, including IO) (1)
  • [W1] Rest of the World (1)
  • [W2] Domestic (home or reference area) (1)

Payment transaction type (12)

  • [CHQ] Cheques (171)
  • [CP0] Card payment (343)
  • [CT0] Credit transfer (175)
  • [CW1] Cash withdrawal using cards (171)
  • [DD] Direct debit (338)
  • [EMP0] E-money payment (342)
  • [MREM] Money remittance (337)
  • [ND1] Credits to the accounts by simple book entry (2)
  • [ND2] Debits from the accounts by simple book entry (2)
  • [SER] Other payment services (345)
  • [TOTL] Total payment transactions [sum of CT,DD,CP,CW,EM,CHQ,MR,OTH] (337)
  • [TOTL1] Total payment transactions, excluding cash withdrawals (176)

Role in transaction (2)

  • [1] Payer`s PSP (173)
  • [2] Payee`s PSP (2)

Fraud type (1)

  • [_Z] Not applicable (33)

Transformation (2)

  • [G1] Growth rate, period on period (2)
  • [N] Non transformed data (171)

Unit of measure (8)

  • [EUR] Euro (33)
  • [EUR_R_B1GQ] Euro; ratio to GDP (33)
  • [EUR_R_PNT] Euro; ratio to number of transactions (1)
  • [EUR_R_POP6] Euro per million inhabitants (34)
  • [EUR_R_TT] Euro; ratio to total value payment transactions (1)
  • [PN] Pure number (34)
  • [PN_R_POP6] Pure number per million inhabitants (34)
  • [PN_R_TT] Pure number; ratio to total number payment transactions (1)
33 series are displayed for PAY
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Germany Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Germany Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Croatia Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Croatia Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 23 Feb 2024 10:50 CET
Belgium Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Belgium Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Ireland Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Ireland Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Denmark Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Denmark Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Norway Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Norway Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Hungary Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Hungary Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Poland Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Poland Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Portugal Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Portugal Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 31 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
Iceland Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Iceland Credit transfer Payer`s PSP Non transformed data Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 9 Nov 2023 10:00 CET