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- Wholesale (332)
- Secured (262)
- Borrowing (189)
- Total volume (155)
- Average daily turnover (151)
- Lending (136)
- Weighted average rate (133)
- OIS (113)
- Quarterly (76)
- CCPs (72)
- Unsecured (63)
- Overnight (51)
- 1 month (tenor) (48)
- 1 week (tenor) (48)
- MP-dated trades (48)
- Spot/Next (48)
- Tomorrow/Next (48)
- Belgium (collateral issuer) (34)
- France (collateral issuer) (34)
- Germany (collateral issuer) (34)
- Interbank (34)
- Italy (collateral issuer) (34)
- Netherlands (collateral issuer) (34)
- Spain (collateral issuer) (34)
- Total (34)
- IMM-dated trades (24)
- Settlement 1 year after trade date year (24)
- Settlement on the same year as trade date (24)
- 12 months (tenor) (12)
- 3 months (tenor) (12)
- 6 months (tenor) (12)
- 9 months (tenor) (12)
- Pre-Euro Short-Term Rate (8)
- Maintenance Period 1 (6)
- Maintenance Period 2 (6)
- Maintenance Period 3 (6)
- Maintenance Period 4 (6)
- Maintenance Period 5 (6)
- Maintenance Period 6 (6)
- Maintenance Period 7 (6)
- Maintenance Period 8 (6)
- 1 month (bucket) (3)
- 10 years (bucket) (3)
- 12 months (bucket) (3)
- 2 months (bucket) (3)
- 2 years (bucket) (3)
- 3 months (bucket) (3)
- 3 years (bucket) (3)
- 5 years (bucket) (3)
- 6 months (bucket) (3)
- 9 months (bucket) (3)
- Delta quarter 1 (3)
- Delta quarter 2 (3)
- Delta quarter 3 (3)
- Delta quarter 4 (3)
- Delta quarter 5 (3)
- Delta quarter 6 (3)
- Delta quarter 7 (3)
- Delta quarter 8 (3)
- Forward 12M24M (bucket) (3)
- Over 10 years (bucket) (3)
- All spot OIS transactions except novations (2)
- All OIS transactions except novations (1)
- All forward OIS transactions except novations (1)
- Calculation method (1)
- Number of active banks (1)
- Number of transactions (1)
- Rate at 25th percentile of volume (1)
- Rate at 75th percentile of volume (1)
- Share of volume of the 5 largest active banks (1)
- Volume-weighted trimmed mean rate (1)
- Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition (446)
- AMECO (AME) (121)
- ATM, OTC and POS terminal transactions (PTT) (46933)
- Balance Sheet Items (BSI) (64269)
- Balance Sheet Items for Payments (BSP) (3466)
- Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6)(discontinued) (BP6) (77616)
- Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPS) (88899)
- Balance of Payments statistics, national data (discontinued) (ST1) (714)
- Bank Lending Survey Statistics (BLS) (20913)
- Bank Lending Survey Statistics (historical) (BLS1) (1959)
- Banking Structural Financial Indicators (SSI) (571)
- Banknotes statistics (BKN) (824)
- Card payments and cash withdrawals using cards (including fraud data) (PCP) (112381)
- Central Counterparty Clearing Statistics (CCP) (6488)
- Commercial Property Price Statistics (discontinued) (CPP) (2)
- Commercial Property Prices (RESC) (3)
- Composite Indicator of Systemic Stress (CISS) (41)
- Consolidated Banking data (CBD2) (66100)
- Country-Level Index of Financial Stress (CLIFS) (CLIFS) (28)
- Credit transfers (including fraud data) (PCT) (26097)
- Dealogic DCM analytics data (discontinued) (DCM) (22)
- Derived Data (discontinued) (DD) (313)
- Direct debits (including fraud data) (PDD) (12655)
- Distributional Wealth Accounts (DWA) (11936)
- E-money payment transactions (including fraud data) (PEM) (20711)
- EBA Key Risk Indicators (discontinued) (KRI) (24)
- EONIA- Euro Interbank Offered Rate (discontinued) (EON) (2)
- ESA95 National Accounts (discontinued) (ESA) (16765)
- ESA95 quarterly euro area accounts (discontinued) (IEAQ) (43814)
- ESA95 quarterly non-financial accounts (discontinued) (IEAF) (9033)
- EWT (EWT) (12)
- Electronic card payments sent by merchant category (PMC) (30478)
- Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics (discontinued) (BOP) (10721)
- Euro Area Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics, Geographical Breakdown (discontinued) (ST3) (11330)
- Euro short-term rate (EST) (15)
- European Union Balance of Payments (Source Eurostat) (discontinued) (ESB) (1595)
- Eurostat Job Vacancy Statistics (discontinued) (JVC) (1)
- Excessive deficit procedure (EDP) (Eurostat) (EDP) (180)
- Exchange Rates (EXR) (3927)
- External Trade (TRD) (508)
- Financial Vehicle Corporation (FVC) (7196)
- Financial market data (FM) (111)
- Financial market data - yield curve (YC) (2165)
- Foreign Exchange Intervention (FXI) (12)
- Government Statistics (discontinued) (GST) (18891)
- Government finance statistics (ECB and Eurostat) (GFS) (69163)
- Government tax and social contributions receipts (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 9) (E09) (38500)
- Indicators of Financial Integration (IFI) (66)
- Indices of Consumer prices (ICP) (60681)
- Insurance Corporations & Pension Funds Statistics (discontinued) (ICPF) (1514)
- Insurance Corporations Assets and Liabilities (ICB) (9730)
- Insurance Corporations Operations (ICO) (255)
- Internal Liquidity Management (ILM) (1212)
- International Reserves of the Eurosystem (BPM6)(discontinued) (RA6) (12609)
- International Reserves of the Eurosystem (RAS) (12463)
- International Reserves of the Eurosystem (discontinued) (RA) (486)
- Investment Funds Balance Sheet Statistics (IVF) (180464)
- Job Vacancy Statistics (JVS) (105)
- Labour Cost Index, including weights (LCI) (984)
- Labour Force Survey Indicators (LFSI) (2844)
- Labour Force Survey Indicators - IESS definition (IESS) (3905)
- Large Insurance Groups Statistics (LIG) (147)
- List of MFIs (MFI) (744)
- Long-term interest rate statistics (IRS) (39)
- MFI Interest Rate Statistics (MIR) (7901)
- Macroeconomic Projection Database (MPD) (5521)
- Main aggregates, national accounts (International Data Cooperation) (IDCM) (8416)
- Main aggregates, national accounts, (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 1) (MNA) (28496)
- Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR) (446)
- Money Market Statistical Reporting (discontinued) (MMSR0) (129)
- Money Market Survey (discontinued) (MMS) (689)
- National accounts, Employment (Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 0110, 0111) (discontinued) (ENA) (434)
- New passenger car and commercial vehicle registrations (CAR) (4)
- Non-energy commodity price index (NEC) (6)
- Number of cards issued by resident PSPs by card function and scheme (PCN) (1196)
- Number of participants in payments systems (PSN) (2574)
- Number of terminals provided by resident PSPs by type and function (PTN) (11543)
- Open market operations (OMO) (48)
- Opinion Surveys (SUR) (224)
- Other Financial Intermediaries (OFI) (732)
- Payment initiation services (including fraud data) (PIS) (3636)
- Payments and Settlement Systems Statistics (discontinued) (PSS) (79697)
- Payments transactions (Key indicators) (PAY) (66776)
- Payments transactions by PSP category (PPC) (41292)
- Pension Funds Assets and Liabilities (discontinued) (PFB) (333)
- Pension funds Regulation (PFBR) (710)
- Pension funds number of members (PFBM) (84)
- Quarterly sector accounts (financial accounts (ECB) and non-financial accounts (Eurostat, ESA2010 TP, table 801)) (QSA) (360816)
- Real Time Database (research database) (RTD) (278)
- Residential Property Price Index Statistics (discontinued) (RPP) (228)
- Residential Property Prices (RESR) (872)
- Residential Property Valuation (RESV) (240)
- Residential Property Valuation (RPV) (232)
- Retail Interest Rates (discontinued) (RIR) (107)
- Risk Assessment Indicators (RAI) (612)
- Risk Dashboard data (RDE) (6)
- Risk Dashboard data (RDF) (34)
- STEP data (STP) (1309)
- Sector accounts, national accounts, non-EU countries (International Data Cooperation) (IDCS) (144710)
- Securities (discontinued) (SEC) (40633)
- Securities Holding Statistics (discontinued) (SHS) (11292)
- Securities Holdings Statistics (SHSS) (82162)
- Securities Issues Statistics (CSEC) (630176)
- Securities Settlement Statistics (SST) (18822)
- Securities exchange - Trading Statistics (SEE) (2171)
- Shipments of Euro Banknotes Statistics (BNT) (4)
- Short-Term Statistics (STS) (6134)
- Statistics on Consolidated Banking Data (discontinued) (CBD) (17520)
- Structural Financial Indicators for Payments (SSP) (8720)
- Structural Housing Indicators (RESH) (293)
- Structural Housing Indicators Statistics (SHI) (334)
- Supervisory Banking Statistics (SUP) (20183)
- Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) (489424)
- Survey on Access to Finance of Enterprises (SAFE) (288525)
- Target Balances (TGB) (44)
- Total general government expenditure by functions (COFOG),(Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 11) (E11) (159778)
- Trade weights (WTS) (49703)
- Transactions in payments systems (PST) (15982)
- Daily-Businessweek (370)
- Quarterly (76)
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