3 time series
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Frequency (1)
- [Q] Quarterly (20697)
Reference area (21)
- [AT] Austria (578)
- [BE] Belgium (578)
- [CY] Cyprus (578)
- [DE] Germany (578)
- [EE] Estonia (578)
- [ES] Spain (578)
- [FI] Finland (506)
- [FR] France (578)
- [GR] Greece (578)
- [HR] Croatia (556)
- [IE] Ireland (578)
- [IT] Italy (578)
- [LT] Lithuania (578)
- [LU] Luxembourg (578)
- [LV] Latvia (578)
- [MT] Malta (578)
- [NL] Netherlands (578)
- [PT] Portugal (578)
- [SI] Slovenia (506)
- [SK] Slovakia (578)
- [U2] Euro area (changing composition) (9303)
Bank selection (1)
- [ALL] All banks (336)
Bank lending survey item (122)
- [ALN] Covering acute liquidity needs (108)
- [APP] Expanded asset purchase programme (144)
- [AVEL] Risk weighted assets of which Average loans (48)
- [BC] Impact of bank competition (96)
- [BDR] Bank deposit rate (96)
- [BDV] Bank deposit volume (48)
- [BFC] Impact on banks funding conditions (72)
- [BIP] Financial situation - ability to improve its profitability (24)
- [BLM] Bank lending margin (72)
- [BLP] Financial situation - liquidity position (72)
- [BLR] Bank lending rate (204)
- [BLV] Bank lending volume (216)
- [BMFC] Financial situation - market financing conditions (72)
- [BPRO] Financial situation - profitability (96)
- [BSC] Impact of cost of funds and balance sheet constraints (132)
- [C] Manufacturing (72)
- [CAPR] Capital ratio (24)
- [CBCO] Costs related to balance sheet clean-up operations (36)
- [CC] Climate change impact (288)
- [CCF] Impact of consumer confidence (24)
- [CE] Energy-intensive manufacturing (72)
- [CGL] Capital gains/losses (48)
- [CMP] Pressure from competition (162)
- [CP] Impact of capital position (330)
- [CPRE] Capital position of which Retained earnings (48)
- [CRE] Impact of consumption expenditure (mortgage equity withdrawal) (12)
- [CRQ] Collateral requirements (60)
- [CWB] Impact of creditworthiness of borrower (12)
- [CWC] Impact of creditworthiness of consumers (12)
- [DR] Impact of debt refinancing/restructuring/renegotiation (48)
- [DSB] Purchasing assets - Domestic sovereign bonds (12)
- [DSI] Impact of debt securities issuance (60)
- [EABH] Euro area sovereign bond holdings (24)
- [EL] Excess liquidity (120)
- [EQI] Impact of equity issuance (84)
- [FABS] Financing via asset-backed securities (24)
- [FCOB] Financing via covered bonds (24)
- [FEE] Fee and commissions (24)
- [FEQI] Financing via equity issued (24)
- [FIS] Fiscal support (48)
- [FIX] Impact of fixed investment (168)
- [FUBB] Financing via unsecured bank bonds (24)
- [FX] Construction (eXcluding real estate) (72)
- [G] Wholesale and retail trade (72)
- [GEA] Impact of general economic activity (96)
- [GL] Granting loans (12)
- [GLI] Impact of general level of interest rates (60)
- [HMP] Impact of housing market prospects (24)
- [HTNX] Services (H to N eXcluding financial services and real estate) (72)
- [IF] Impact of internal financing (36)
- [IFO] Impact of industry or firm specific situation (96)
- [IFS] Impact of internal finance out of savings (24)
- [INV] Impact of inventories and working capital (36)
- [L] Real estate (72)
- [LCRE] Commercial real estate (72)
- [LCV] Loan covenants (36)
- [LE] Large enterprises (372)
- [LEV] Level of credit standards (110)
- [LEVR] Leverage ratio (24)
- [LIQA] Total assets of which liquid assets (48)
- [LIQE] Holding liquidity with the Eurosystem (12)
- [LNB] Impact of loans from non-banks (36)
- [LOB] Impact of loans from other banks (60)
- [LP] Impact of liquidity position (258)
- [LRRE] Residential real estate (72)
- [LTL] Long-term loans (48)
- [LVR] Impact of loan to value ratio (12)
- [MAA] Impact of mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructuring (36)
- [MAL] Margin on average loans (60)
- [MF] Impact of ability to access market financing (258)
- [MFC] Impact of market financing competition (72)
- [MRL] Margin on riskier loans (60)
- [MTY] Maturity (60)
- [NBC] Impact of non-bank competition (96)
- [NIC] Non interest rate charges, lending (132)
- [NICD] Non interest rate charges, deposits (48)
- [NII] Net interest income (96)
- [NIIM] Net interest income - Margin effect (24)
- [NIIV] Net interest income - Volume effect (24)
- [NIM] Net interest margin (24)
- [NNI] Non-interest income (24)
- [NPL] Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio (216)
- [O] Overall (336)
- [OF1] First other factor (see OBS_COM) (21)
- [OF2] Second other factor (see OBS_COM) (21)
- [OF3] Third other factor (see OBS_COM) (21)
- [OFA] Purchasing assets - other financial assets (12)
- [OPC] Bank`s operating cost (54)
- [OSF] Impact of other sources of finance (24)
- [OSL] Other loan size limits (12)
- [OT1] First other factor for terms and conditions (see OBS_COM) (9)
- [OT2] Second other factor for terms and conditions (see OBS_COM) (9)
- [OT3] Third other factor for terms and conditions (see OBS_COM) (9)
- [PAR] Participation in the LTRO (13)
- [PHR] Physical risk (24)
- [PLB] Precautionary liquidity buffer (108)
- [PRAC] Profitability reasons linked to attractive conditions (18)
- [PRMO] Precautionary motive (to secure financing given the uncertainty on financial markets) (18)
- [PROV] Provisions and impairments (24)
- [PRT] Bank`s profitability target (54)
- [PSR] Pressure related to supervisory or regulatory requirements (36)
- [RCD] Impact of risk on the collateral demanded (84)
- [REGR] Fulfilment of regulatory and supervisory requirements (42)
- [RFR] Impact of regulatory and fiscal regime (12)
- [RSK] Perception of risk (198)
- [RSKL] Risk weighted assets of which Riskier loans (48)
- [RTO] Impact of bank`s risk tolerance (204)
- [RWA] Risk weighted assets (48)
- [SDC] Impact of spending on durable consumer goods (12)
- [SDWD] Refinancing - substituting deposit shortfalls (12)
- [SEL] Substituting existing loans (108)
- [SELO] Refinancing - substituting other Eurosystem liquidity operations (12)
- [SIBL] Refinancing - substituting interbank lending (12)
- [SMD] Refinancing - substituting maturing debt securities (12)
- [SME] Small- and medium-sized enterprises (372)
- [ST2] Refinancing - substituting TLTRO-II funding (12)
- [STL] Short-term loans (48)
- [SZL] Size of loans (48)
- [TOIL] Impact of financial and sovereign debt crisis 2009 onwards (222)
- [TOTA] Total assets (72)
- [TTRO] Impact of TLTRO - refers to TLTRO I (BLS rounds 2014Q4 - 2016Q1), TLTRO II (BLS rounds 2016Q3 - 2017Q3) and TLTRO III (BLS rounds 2020Q1 onwards) (144)
- [Z] Not applicable (312)
BLS contract counterpart (2)
- [E] Enterprise (1)
- [H] Household (2)
BLS counterpart motivation (5)
- [C] Consumer credit (1)
- [H] Loans for house purchase (1)
- [LE] Large enterprises (1)
- [SME] Small and medium-sized enterprises (1)
- [Z] Not applicable (1)
Time horizon (5)
- [B3] Backward looking three months (96)
- [B6] Backward looking six months (72)
- [F3] Forward looking three months (24)
- [F6] Forward looking six months (72)
- [R20] Over the first half of 2020 (72)
Effect domain (4)
- [RA] Share of rejected loan application (12)
- [ST] Credit standards (12)
- [TC] Credit terms and conditions (60)
- [ZZ] Not applicable (12)
Market role (1)
- [S] Loan supply (60)
BLS aggregation method (12)
- [N] Number of numeric responses in range from 1 to 5 (5)
- [NNA] Number of factor not applicable responses (observation value NC with observation status L) (5)
- [WA] Weighted average (5)
- [WDINX] Weighted diffusion index based on the share of each country in the total loan outstanding amounts of the area aggregate (5)
- [WF1] Weighted avg frequency of 1 responses (considerably tightened / strongly negative / not participated / will not participate) (5)
- [WF2] Weighted avg frequency of 2 responses (somewhat tightened / negative) (5)
- [WF3] Weighted avg frequency of 3 responses (basically unchanged / o / undecided) (5)
- [WF4] Weighted avg frequency of 4 responses (somewhat eased / positive) (5)
- [WF5] Weighted avg frequency of 5 responses (considerably eased / strongly positive / participated / will participate) (5)
- [WFNA] Weighted avg frequency of not applicable responses (5)
- [WFNET] Weighted net percentage (tightened minus eased or reverse) based on the share of each country in the total loan outstanding amounts of the area aggregate (5)
- [WSD] Weighted standard deviation estimate (5)