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All banks Energy-intensive manufacturing Enterprise Forward looking six months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 2 responses (s...
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All banks Energy-intensive man... Enterprise Forward looking six ... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio Household Consumer credit Backward looking six months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 3 responses (b...
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All banks Non-performing loan ... Household Consumer credit Backward looking six... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Risk weighted assets of which Riskier lo... Forward looking twelve months CRR/CRD IV Loan demand Weighted avg frequency of 1 responses (c...
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All banks Risk weighted assets... Forward looking twel... CRR/CRD IV Loan demand Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Excess liquidity Overall Forward looking six months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 5 responses (c...
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All banks Excess liquidity Overall Forward looking six ... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Construction (eXcluding real estate) Enterprise Backward looking six months Credit terms and conditions Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 2 responses (s...
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All banks Construction (eXclud... Enterprise Backward looking six... Credit terms and con... Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Non-performing loan (NPL) ratio Enterprise Backward looking six months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 1 responses (c...
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All banks Non-performing loan ... Enterprise Backward looking six... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Impact of capital position Last 12 months CRR/CRD IV Loan demand Weighted diffusion index based on the sh...
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All banks Impact of capital po... Last 12 months CRR/CRD IV Loan demand Weighted diffusion i...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Risk weighted assets of which Riskier lo... Last 12 months CRR/CRD IV Loan demand Weighted standard deviation estimate
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All banks Risk weighted assets... Last 12 months CRR/CRD IV Loan demand Weighted standard de...
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Unit described in ti...
Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Services (H to N eXcluding financial ser... Enterprise Forward looking six months Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequency of 4 responses (s...
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All banks Services (H to N eXc... Enterprise Forward looking six ... Credit standards Loan supply Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET
All banks Excess liquidity Overall Backward looking six months Bank lending volume Loan demand Weighted avg frequency of 1 responses (c...
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All banks Excess liquidity Overall Backward looking six... Bank lending volume Loan demand Weighted avg frequen...
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Last updated: 23 Jan 2024 10:00 CET