The AMECO database is compiled by the DG-ECFIN in the European Commission. It contains annual macro-economic time series submitted by the Member States and “filtered” by the Commission. These data are used in the forecast exercises done two times per year (Spring and Autumn). It is the official source for some variables, especially those related to public finances.
Since 2018 there is only a limited interim forecast concerning GDP growth and inflation and as coincidence the Winter forecast data will not be introduced in AMECO anymore.
Current vintage: Spring 2022; more information can be found on DG-ECFIN website:
AMECO database contains annual macro-economic time series.
For information about the naming convention (series key dimensions and metadata), refer to the AME underlying DSD (ECB_AME1) maintained by the ECB.
All euro area country data expressed in "national currency" are in euro with data prior to the entry of the country concerned into the euro area converted using the fixed exchange rate.
European Commission
Download the series catalogue containing a full list of series and associated metadata of the dataset AME in CSV format (zipped)