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Index HICP - Actual rentals for housing Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Eurostat
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Index HICP - Actual rental... Neither seasonally n... Eurostat
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2015 = 100
Last updated: 17 Jul 2024 11:00 CEST
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Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Statistical Office of the European Commi... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Statistical Office o... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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More geographical areas
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 13:50 CEST
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Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value European Central Bank (ECB) Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value European Central Ban... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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More geographical areas
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 13:50 CEST
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Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Verband Deutscher Pfandbriefbanken Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Verband Deutscher Pf... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 13 May 2024 08:53 CEST
Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Central Statistical Office (Ireland) Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Central Statistical ... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 12 Jul 2024 09:56 CEST
Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, Flats, new and exi... Transaction value Bank of Greece (Greece) Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Bank of Greece (Gree... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 28 May 2024 17:28 CEST
Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Banca d` Italia (Italy) Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Banca d` Italia (Ita... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 7 Oct 2022 12:12 CEST
Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Institut National de la Statistique et d... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Institut National de... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 19 Jul 2022 01:50 CEST
Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Banque Nationale de Belgique (Belgium) Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Banque Nationale de ... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 24 Jun 2024 13:46 CEST
Whole country Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Confidencial Imobiliario Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Whole country Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Confidencial Imobili... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 23 Jul 2024 11:14 CEST