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Paijat-Hame Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, Flats, existing Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Paijat-Hame Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 4 Nov 2022 14:14 CET
France (metropolitan) excluding Ile de F... Seasonally adjusted, not working day adj... Residential property, Flats, existing Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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France (metropolitan... Seasonally adjusted,... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 4 Nov 2022 14:14 CET
Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, Houses, existing Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 4 Nov 2022 14:14 CET
Ostra Mellansverige Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Ostra Mellansverige Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 4 Nov 2022 14:14 CET
Syddanmark Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, Houses, new and ex... Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Syddanmark Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 25 Jan 2023 11:01 CET
France (metropolitan) excluding Ile de F... Seasonally adjusted, not working day adj... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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France (metropolitan... Seasonally adjusted,... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 4 Nov 2022 14:14 CET
Etela-Savo Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, Houses, existing Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Etela-Savo Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 4 Nov 2022 14:14 CET
Val-d`Oise Seasonally adjusted, not working day adj... Residential property, Houses, existing Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Val-d`Oise Seasonally adjusted,... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 4 Nov 2022 14:14 CET
Kujawsko-pomorskie Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Kujawsko-pomorskie Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 1 Dec 2023 16:14 CET
Kozep-Dunantul Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... Residential property, All dwelling types... Transaction value Organisation for Economic Cooperation an... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Kozep-Dunantul Neither seasonally n... Residential property... Transaction value Organisation for Eco... Transaction based Non transformed data Index
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Last updated: 1 Dec 2023 16:14 CET