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E-money payment transactions Payment services (sent), e-money payment... Value Ireland Non-MFIs All currencies combined National currency
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E-money payment tran... Payment services (se... Value Ireland Non-MFIs All currencies combi... National currency
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Millions of Danish k...
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
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All transactions Payment services (sent), total cashless Payments processing system - retail syst... Value Rest of the World Unspecified sector All currencies combined National currency
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value Rest of the World Unspecified sector All currencies combi... National currency
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Millions of Polish z...
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
All transactions Payment services (sent), total cashless Payments processing system - retail - ST... Value per GDP Unspecified sector Euro Euro
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value per GDP Unspecified sector Euro Euro
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Last updated: 15 Sep 2023 10:00 CEST
All transactions Payment services (sent), cheques Payments processing system - retail syst... Value Domestic (home or reference area) Unspecified sector All currencies combined National currency
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value Domestic (home or re... Unspecified sector All currencies combi... National currency
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Millions of Polish z...
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
All transactions Payment services (sent), total cashless Payments processing system - retail syst... Value Rest of the World Unspecified sector All currencies combined Euro
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value Rest of the World Unspecified sector All currencies combi... Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
All transactions Payment services (sent), credit transfer... Payments processing system - retail syst... Value Domestic (home or reference area) Unspecified sector All currencies combined National currency
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value Domestic (home or re... Unspecified sector All currencies combi... National currency
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Millions of Polish z...
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
All transactions Payment services (sent), credit transfer... Payments processing system - retail syst... Value Domestic (home or reference area) Unspecified sector All currencies combined National currency
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value Domestic (home or re... Unspecified sector All currencies combi... National currency
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Millions of Danish k...
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
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All transactions All types of payment services Number Euro area (changing composition) Non-MFIs
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All transactions All types of payment... Number Euro area (changing ... Non-MFIs
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Millions - Pure numb...
Last updated: 15 Sep 2023 10:00 CEST
All transactions Payment services (sent), other payment s... Payments processing system - retail syst... Value Rest of the World Unspecified sector All currencies combined National currency
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value Rest of the World Unspecified sector All currencies combi... National currency
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Millions of Polish z...
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
All transactions Payment services (sent), total cashless Payments processing system - retail syst... Value Domestic (home or reference area) Unspecified sector All currencies combined National currency
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All transactions Payment services (se... Payments processing ... Value Domestic (home or re... Unspecified sector All currencies combi... National currency
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Millions of Polish z...
Last updated: 22 Jul 2022 10:00 CEST
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