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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro area (changing composition) Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) All currencies except EU currencies, GBP... Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts ... Euro area (changing ... Monetary financial i... All currencies excep... Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Equity and non-MMF investment fund share... Total Index of Notional Stocks Euro area (changing composition) Financial corporations except MFIs and I... All currencies combined Annual growth rate
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Equity and non-MMF i... Total Index of Notional St... Euro area (changing ... Financial corporatio... All currencies combi... Annual growth rate
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Percentage change
Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area) Non-MFIs excluding general government All currencies except EUR Currency ratio on total currency
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans Total Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re... Non-MFIs excluding g... All currencies excep... Currency ratio on to...
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Last updated: 27 Jun 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans Over 1 and up to 5 years Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Other Euro area member states (all count... General Government All currencies combined Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans Over 1 and up to 5 y... Outstanding amounts ... Other Euro area memb... General Government All currencies combi... Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 27 Jun 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro area (changing composition) Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) Euro Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts ... Euro area (changing ... Monetary financial i... Euro Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Extra Euro area Monetary financial institutions (MFIs) All currencies except EU currencies, GBP... Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts ... Extra Euro area Monetary financial i... All currencies excep... Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans [A20] and Securities other than sh... Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area) Non-Financial corporations (S.11) All currencies combined Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans [A20] and Secu... Total Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re... Non-Financial corpor... All currencies combi... Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro area (changing composition) Non-MFIs All currencies except EU currencies, GBP... Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts ... Euro area (changing ... Non-MFIs All currencies excep... Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans [A20] and Securities other than sh... Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Domestic (home or reference area) Insurance corporations and pension funds... All currencies combined Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Loans [A20] and Secu... Total Outstanding amounts ... Domestic (home or re... Insurance corporatio... All currencies combi... Euro
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Millions of Euro
Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:00 CEST
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts at the end of the pe... Euro area (changing composition) Non-MFIs Euro Euro
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Neither seasonally n... MFIs excluding ESCB Debt securities held Total Outstanding amounts ... Euro area (changing ... Non-MFIs Euro Euro
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More geographical areas
Millions of Euro
Last updated: 26 Apr 2024 10:00 CEST
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