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World (all entities, including reference... General government Total economy Credit (Resources) Investment income attributable to collec... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Consolidated Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... General government Total economy Credit (Resources) Investment income at... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Consolidated Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Public non financial corporations Total economy Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Other equity Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Consolidated All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Public non financial... Total economy Liabilities (Net Inc... Closing balance shee... Other equity Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Consolidated All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Monetary financial institutions other th... Total economy Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Money market fund shares/units Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Monetary financial i... Total economy Liabilities (Net Inc... Closing balance shee... Money market fund sh... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Total economy Total economy Credit (Resources) Taxes less subsidies on products Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Non-consolidated Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Total economy Total economy Credit (Resources) Taxes less subsidies... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Non-consolidated Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Non financial corporations Total economy Assets (Net Acquisition of) Transactions in financial assets and lia... Pension entitlements, claims of pension ... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Non financial corpor... Total economy Assets (Net Acquisit... Transactions in fina... Pension entitlements... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Non profit institutions serving househol... Total economy Debit (Uses) Changes in inventories Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Non-consolidated Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Non profit instituti... Total economy Debit (Uses) Changes in inventori... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Non-consolidated Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Money market funds Total economy Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Financial derivatives and employee stock... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... All original maturities Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Money market funds Total economy Liabilities (Net Inc... Closing balance shee... Financial derivative... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... All original maturit... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Households and non profit institutions s... Total economy Assets (Net Acquisition of) Revaluations / Nominal holding gains and... Pension entitlements, claims of pension ... Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Households and non p... Total economy Assets (Net Acquisit... Revaluations / Nomin... Pension entitlements... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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World (all entities, including reference... Pension funds Total economy Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks Trade credits and advances Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... All original maturities Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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World (all entities,... Pension funds Total economy Liabilities (Net Inc... Closing balance shee... Trade credits and ad... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... All original maturit... Non-consolidated All currencies Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Debit (Uses) Exports of goods and services Domestic currency (incl. conversion to c... Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar... Non-consolidated Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Rest of the World Total economy Total economy Debit (Uses) Exports of goods and... Domestic currency (i... Neither seasonally a... Non-consolidated Standard valuation b... Current prices Non transformed data Total
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Millions of Domestic...
Last updated: 3 May 2023 14:25 CEST
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