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These data contain information on the aggregate consolidated  profitabilitybalance sheetsasset qualityliquidityfundingcapital adequacysolvency of EU banksand refer to all EU Member States. The banks are divided into three size groups: small, medium-sized and large. Information on foreign-controlled institutions active in EU countries is also provided.  
BSI statistics are based on either the aggregated or the consolidated balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions (MFI) sector. The aggregated balance sheet is the sum of the balance sheets of all MFIs resident in the euro area. The consolidated balance sheet is obtained by netting the aggregated balance sheet positions between MFIs in the euro area. The consolidated balance sheet provides the basis for the regular analysis of euro area monetary aggregates and counterparts.
The derived_data database contains data calculated by the ECB related to CPI, HICP, real GDP, population, unit labour costs, labour productivity, industrial production, balance of payments, government finance statistics, monetary aggregates and money gap, long-term and short-term interest rates, effective exchange rates, oil prices, deflators, earnings, negotiated wages and job vacancy rates.
The Risk Assessment Indicators (RAI) is a combined dataset from different data sources of the ECB. These indicators are used for the purposes of financial stability and are mostly part of the ESRB risk dashboard.