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Data presentation - Summary description

The euro short-term rate (€STR) reflects the wholesale euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in the euro area. The ECB publishes on its website the €STR at 08:00 CET on each TARGET2 business date. The €STR time series is updated on the ECB Data Portal (EDP) shortly after the €STR publication.

The daily €STR is based on the transactions with overnight maturity that were traded and settled on the previous TARGET2 date. In EDP, the €STR series are indexed by time, where the time index reflects the trade date of the underlying transactions. For example, the observations on the rate, volume traded, etc. with time index 1 October 2019 reflect trading activity on that day, and correspond to the €STR published on 2 October 2019. 

For further information refer to the Overview of €STR.

The ECB identified a need for preliminary figures, called pre-€STR, to be published prior to the full release of the €STR in October 2019. The pre-€STR was for information purposes only and not intended as a benchmark or reference rate.

Pre-€STR series in the EDP


The compounded €STR average rates and the compounded €STR index are updated in EDP shortly after their publication at 09:15 a.m. every TARGET2 business date. In EDP, all compounded €STR series are presented with a time index that reflects their reference date, which by convention coincides with end date of the related interest rate period underlying their calculation.  

For further information please refer to the Compounded €STR section of the overview of €STR webpage. 

Data presentation - Detailed description

Together with the €STR, the following related information is published: total nominal value of transactions before trimming in EUR millions, number of banks reporting transactions before trimming, number of transactions before trimming, percentage of total nominal amount reported by the five largest contributing banks that day, rates at 25th and 75th percentiles of volume, calculation method (normal or contingency) and publication type (standard or republication).


Together with the compounded €STR average rates, the start and end dates of the interest rate period underlying the calculation of the rates are available in EDP.

Methodological information
Source data type

Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR)

Time period

TARGET2 business day

Time period - collection

TARGET2 business day following reference time period

Statistical concepts and definitions

For information about the naming convention (series key dimensions and metadata), refer to the EST underlying DSD (ECB_EST1) maintained by the ECB.

Administrative Information

EST - Euro short-term rate

Data source


Contact organisation


Quality management

The data quality of the €STR is assured in line with the provisions of Guideline on euro short-term rate (€STR) (ECB/2019/19), as amended.

Technical Information

Download the series catalogue containing a full list of series and associated metadata of the dataset EST in CSV format (zipped)

Dataset last update
26 March 2025 09:17 CET
Metadata last update
21 December 2023 11:03 CET