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Data presentation - Summary description

Securities issues statistics (SEC) are produced by the ECB based on monthly data reported by the national central banks of the euro area. They cover data on outstanding amounts, issuances, redemptions and growth rates of debt securities and listed shares. All these data are broken down by issuer country and sector, instrument type, original maturity, coupon type and currency of denomination. The SEC data are published in a monthly statistical release six weeks after the end of the reference month.

The annual Financial Markets Survey (FMS) collects basic data on outstanding amounts and issuances of debt securities and market capitalisation of listed shares for non-euro area EU countries.

The SEC data set has been replaced by the CSEC data set as of June 2022.

Methodological information
Source data type

The national central banks of the euro area report monthly data to the ECB using national data sources or international data providers. The Bank of International Settlements provides statistics on euro-denominated debt securities issued by non-euro area residents. For the Financial Markets Survey (FMS), the national central banks of the non-euro area EU Member States report annual data to the ECB.

Time period

In general, data are presented as of the reference period December 1989 onwards, where available. The FMS data cover the outstanding amounts at end-December and the annual totals of gross issues starting with (December) 1998, where available.

Time period - collection

Monthly for euro area countries; annual for non-euro area EU Member States (FMS).

Base period

The base period for the calculation of growth rates is December 2008.

Classification system

The data up to the end of November 2012 are computed in accordance with the ESA 95 methodology. Thereafter, the data are based on the ESA 2010 methodology (see User guide to the update of securities issues statistics under the amended Guideline ECB/2014/15 ).

Statistical concepts and definitions

For information about the naming convention (series key dimensions and metadata), refer to the SEC underlying DSD (ECB_SEC1) maintained by the ECB.

Statistical unit

EUR (million), in addition domestic currency (million) for non-euro area EU Member States (FMS)


Nominal value (face value) for debt securities; market value for listed shares.

Statistical processing

Seasonal adjustment for selected series at euro area level. The seasonally adjusted series end with the code "S".


Where necessary, based on reference series from alternate data sources selected and approved by NCBs.

Administrative Information

Securities Issues Statistics (SEC)

Data source

European Central Bank

Quality management

The data quality of the SEC data is assured in line with the provisions of Guideline ECB/2014/15 as amended (in particular Part 12 in Annex II, as available at

Coherence - cross domain

Securities issues by MFIs are checked for consistency with BSI statistics.

Release policy - release calendar

In general, publication on 6th week after end of reference month. The FMS data are published annually, during the 2nd quarter of a year.

Dissemination format - online database

Simultaneously to all parties in the ESCB and the public via:

Technical Information

Download the series catalogue containing a full list of series and associated metadata of the dataset SEC in CSV format (zipped)

Dataset last update
12 May 2022 10:00 CEST
Metadata last update
10 November 2022 11:04 CET