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Funds (250807)
Financial corporations (185970)
Investment funds (179881)
By investment policy (136590)
Financial accounts (84846)
Sector (84504)
Sector accounts (84504)
By instrument (84357)
Equity (59510)
Investment fund shares (59300)
Shares (50363)
Closed-end funds (39880)
Open-end funds (39880)
Pension funds (33446)
Equity funds (29009)
Insurance corporations (25179)
Units (24137)
Assets (23110)
Bond funds (22775)
Mixed funds (22770)
Real estate funds (22758)
Hedge funds (22757)
Accounts (20102)
Balancing items (20102)
Non-financial accounts (20102)
Non-financial assets (19990)
Allocation of primary income (19884)
Capital transfers (19884)
Disposable income (19884)
Income (19884)
Non-financial assets acquisitions (19884)
Production (19884)
Saving (19884)
Secondary distribution of income (19884)
Non-UCITS funds (19805)
UCITS funds (19805)
Listed shares (17431)
Pension (12188)
Insurance (11408)
Standardised guarantees (11408)
Managers (9408)
Pension managers (9408)
Entitlements (9058)
Financial institutions (8414)
Non-pension benefits (8333)
Pension entitlements (8200)
Unlisted shares (7923)
Claims (6286)
Households (5465)
Non-profit institutions serving households (5465)
Money market funds (5161)
Monetary Financial Institutions (4999)
Government (4636)
Life (3651)
Non-mmf investment fund (3532)
Liabilities (3455)
Non-financial corporations (3438)
Debt securities (3386)
Rest of the world (3340)
Securities (3277)
Annuity entitlements (3122)
Loans (3077)
Accounts payable (2809)
Accounts receivable (2809)
Trade credits (2809)
Debt (2789)
Exchange-traded funds (2770)
Deposits (2519)
Payable (1907)
Receivables (1907)
Currency (1867)
Credit institutions (1861)
All counterparts combined (1477)
All currencies combined (1477)
All maturities combined (1477)
Assets and liabilities of euro area investment funds (other than money market funds) (1477)
Fund (1477)
Other than money market funds (1477)
Euro (1445)
Financial assets (1369)
Financial liabilities (1369)
World not allocated (geographically) (1367)
Financial derivatives (1298)
Derivatives (1133)
Employee stock options (1018)
Options (1018)
Stock options (1018)
Schemes (991)
Standardized guarantee schemes (991)
Flows (951)
Non-life (906)
Advances (902)
Credit (902)
Investment fund shares/units (872)
Provisions (835)
Standardized guarantees (835)
Government finance (754)
Total investment funds (743)
Non-life insurance (706)
Balance sheet (584)
Annuity (529)
Transferable deposits (479)
Financial transactions (flows) (447)
Outstanding amounts (443)
Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks) (443)
Stocks (443)
Monetary gold (399)
SDRs (399)
By financial instrument (300)
Gold (289)
Deposit liabilities (262)
Reserves (251)
Technical (200)
Market funds (180)
Money (180)
Transactions (180)
Gross issues (flows) (168)
Issuances (168)
Net issues (flows) (168)
Redemptions (flows) (168)
Benefits (133)
Calls (129)
Guarantees (129)
Positions (120)
Total assets (111)
Total liabilities (111)
Bond (106)
Exchange-traded (106)
Hedge (106)
Mixed (106)
Remaining assets (106)
Remaining liabilities (106)
Equity (105)
Non-MMF investment fund (104)
Other funds (102)
Other funds (other than equity, bond, mixed, real estate, hedge funds) (102)
Real estate (102)
External assets (95)
MMFs (94)
Euro area (93)
External liabilities (93)
Extra Euro area (89)
Annual growth rate (83)
Growth rate (83)
Index (83)
Index of Notional Stocks (83)
Total economy (62)
Shares and other equity (61)
Shares and other equity o/w Investment fund and money marekt fund shares/units (61)
Deposit and loan claims (55)
Loans and deposits received (55)
Remaining assets and financial derivatives (55)
Remaining liabilities and financial derivatives (55)
Total assets/liabilities (55)
Capital (51)
Cash (51)
Macroprudential (50)
Balance of payments (42)
Investments (42)
Financial condition indicators (30)
Financial market (30)
Indicators (30)
Government fice (26)
Euro area (changing composition) (21)
Interconnectedness (20)
Main accounts (20)
M3 (7)
Monetary aggregates (7)
Australia (1386)
Austria (9866)
Belgium (9849)
Bermuda (4)
Brazil (208)
Bulgaria (2229)
Canada (1669)
Chile (963)
Colombia (1494)
Costa Rica (840)
Croatia (1595)
Cyprus (9796)
Czech Republic (2315)
Denmark (2217)
EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit) (26)
Ecuador (24)
Egypt (4)
Estonia (9815)
Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition (228)
Euro area (changing composition) (20342)
Euro area 18 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2014 (1189)
Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015 (1989)
Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023 (1989)
Finland (9849)
France (9818)
Germany (9861)
Greece (9868)
Guatemala (19)
Honduras (28)
Hungary (2337)
Iceland (268)
India (297)
Iran, Islamic Republic of (24)
Ireland (9722)
Israel (3287)
Italy (9840)
Japan (2140)
Kazakhstan (24)
Korea, Republic of (1971)
Kuwait (4)
Latvia (9777)
Lebanon (4)
Lithuania (9821)
Luxembourg (9836)
Malawi (4)
Malta (9753)
Mexico (622)
Micronesia, Federated States of (4)
Morocco (22)
Netherlands (9769)
New Zealand (164)
Nicaragua (24)
Norway (1026)
Poland (2433)
Portugal (9858)
Romania (2443)
Russian Federation (276)
Singapore (4)
Slovakia (9870)
Slovenia (9864)
Spain (9850)
Sweden (2211)
Tunisia (20)
Turkey (1567)
Ukraine (20)
United Kingdom (698)
United States (1431)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic (18)
Virgin Islands, British (24)
Balance Sheet Items (BSI) (1985)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPM6)(discontinued) (BP6) (42)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position (BPS) (62)
Government finance statistics (ECB and Eurostat) (GFS) (780)
Sector accounts, national accounts, non-EU countries (International Data Cooperation) (IDCS) (19884)
Annual (11832)
Monthly (96222)
Quarterly (142753)
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Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Money Market Funds (MFIs excluding Euros...Total Assets/LiabilitiesTotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Total investment fundsTotal assets/liabilitiesTotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Credit institutionsTotal Assets/LiabilitiesTotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Total investment fundsTotal assets/liabilitiesTotalFinancial transactions (flows)World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Total investment fundsInvestment fund shares/unitsTotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Investment funds o/w Exchange-traded fun...Investment fund shares/unitsTotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Total investment fundsShares and other equity o/w Investment f...TotalFinancial transactions (flows)Euro area (changing composition)Non-MFIsAll currencies combinedEuro
Neither seasonally n...Total investment fun...Shares and other equ...TotalFinancial transactio...Euro area (changing ...Non-MFIsAll currencies combi...Euro
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Total investment fundsDeposit and loan claimsTotalOutstanding amounts at the end of the pe...World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro
World (all entities, including reference...Non MMF investment fundsTotal economyAssets (Net Acquisition of)Transactions in financial assets and lia...Investment fund shares/unitsDomestic currency (incl. conversion to c...Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar...Non-consolidatedAll currenciesStandard valuation based on SNA/ESACurrent pricesNon transformed dataTotal
Neither seasonally nor working day adjus...Total investment fundsEquityTotalFinancial transactions (flows)World not allocated (geographically)Unspecified counterpart sectorAll currencies combinedEuro