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European Commission IC-42 group of tradi... Polish zloty Real harmonised competitiveness indicato... 3-year percentage change
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European Commission ... Polish zloty Real harmonised comp... 3-year percentage ch...
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Last updated: 17 Apr 2024 13:16 CEST
European Commission IC-42 group of tradi... Greek drachma Real harmonised competitiveness indicato... 3-year percentage change
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European Commission ... Greek drachma Real harmonised comp... 3-year percentage ch...
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Last updated: 17 Apr 2024 13:17 CEST
European Commission IC-37 group of tradi... Canadian dollar Real harmonised competitiveness indicato... 3-year percentage change
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European Commission ... Canadian dollar Real harmonised comp... 3-year percentage ch...
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Last updated: 17 Apr 2024 13:17 CEST
European Commission IC-42 group of tradi... Maltese lira Real harmonised competitiveness indicato... 3-year percentage change
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European Commission ... Maltese lira Real harmonised comp... 3-year percentage ch...
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Last updated: 17 Apr 2024 13:17 CEST
European Commission IC-42 group of tradi... Swiss franc Real harmonised competitiveness indicato... 3-year percentage change
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European Commission ... Swiss franc Real harmonised comp... 3-year percentage ch...
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Last updated: 17 Apr 2024 13:17 CEST
Korean won (Republic) Euro Spot End-of-period
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Korean won (Republic... Euro Spot End-of-period
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Korean won (Republic...
Last updated: 28 Jun 2024 16:17 CEST
New Zealand dollar Euro Spot End-of-period
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New Zealand dollar Euro Spot End-of-period
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New Zealand dollar
Last updated: 28 Jun 2024 16:17 CEST
Chinese yuan renminbi Euro Spot End-of-period
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Chinese yuan renminb... Euro Spot End-of-period
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Chinese yuan renminb...
Last updated: 28 Jun 2024 16:17 CEST
Indian rupee Euro Spot End-of-period
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Indian rupee Euro Spot End-of-period
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Indian rupee
Last updated: 28 Jun 2024 16:17 CEST
Brazilian real Euro Spot End-of-period
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Brazilian real Euro Spot End-of-period
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Brazilian real
Last updated: 28 Jun 2024 16:17 CEST