1022 time series



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Moroccan dirham Euro Spot End-of-period
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Moroccan dirham Euro Spot End-of-period
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Moroccan dirham
Last updated: 30 Nov 2020 16:30 CET
Iceland krona Euro Spot Average
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Iceland krona Euro Spot Average
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Iceland krona
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Brazilian real Euro Spot Average
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Brazilian real Euro Spot Average
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Brazilian real
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Mexican peso Euro Spot Average
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Mexican peso Euro Spot Average
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Mexican peso
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Australian dollar Euro Spot Average
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Australian dollar Euro Spot Average
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Australian dollar
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Danish krone Euro Spot Average
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Danish krone Euro Spot Average
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Danish krone
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Hong Kong dollar Euro Spot Average
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Hong Kong dollar Euro Spot Average
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Hong Kong dollar
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Philippine peso Euro Spot Average
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Philippine peso Euro Spot Average
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Philippine peso
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Singapore dollar Euro Spot Average
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Singapore dollar Euro Spot Average
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Singapore dollar
Last updated: 5 Jul 2024 15:57 CEST
Latvian lats Euro Spot End-of-period
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Latvian lats Euro Spot End-of-period
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Latvian lats
Last updated: 6 Jan 2014 15:45 CET